MP-Desktop Sample Types and QA/QC management

How to manage QA/QC and Sample Types in MP-Desktop

Standard Sample Types

Sample Types are a further way to differentiate data, typically when multiple samples are required at a physical location or when something else needs to be denoted about the sample, such as how it was obtained. Common examples are depth monitoring, where samples might be taken at multiple depths. Others are differing monitoring regimes, such as 'grab' or 'purged'.

Sample Types can be managed under Control Panel/Table Management/Sample Types. Open up the form and users can simply add the Sample Types they require. For non-QA/QC Sample Types there is no other setup needed. Once created data imported against these Sample Types will be automatically recognised. If data is imported against a Sample Type that does not exist then the data will be held in the Import Processor. 


Sample Type makes data in MonitorPro unique. 

QA/QC Sample Types

Users can denote Sample Types as 'Special' QA/QC types. This is important if using the Monitoring Scheduler and or MP-Field as it enable MonitorPro to apply certain inbuilt rules and logic. 


Blanks have three types. When you add a Blank Sample Type a new Sample Point will be added to the QA/QC Location in MonitorPro. This is where data that is imported will be stored.  


Do not make your own Sample Points in the QA/QC Location, allow them to be made by MonitorPro via the process denoted here. Failure to do this will result in the MonitorIng Schedules and MP-Field not respecting the set rules and will treat them as just 'normal' Sample Points. 

Blanks per Visit – Automatically adds x number of Blanks to each visit and is the most common type of Blank to be required

Blanks per Sample Point – Automatically adds x number of Blanks to each Sample Point

Blanks per Box Code – x Blanks are automatically added per Box Code added for each visit (managed via the Sample Template).


Replicates in MonitorPro also have their own Special type. Data in these instances is imported and stored against the replicated Sample Point, but denoted with a replicate Sample Type. Users can add up to 6 replicates for use in Monitoring Schedules (i.e. 7 samples in total). 

Monitoring Schedules

See the Monitoring Schedules section for more details on how to manage Sample Types and QA/QC in your monitoring and MP-Field.