MP-Web Run Calculator

How to run the calculator in MP-Web


When imported, data automatically triggers any associated Calculations to run. In normal operation, there should be a limited need to trigger Calculations manually. However, it can be required after changes or to rectify issues with Calculation ordering.  


One of the main reasons for having to run Calculations manually is incorrect Calculation Ordering. If the ordering of the Calculations is incorrect, data for the next sequence of a workflow won't be available at the correct stage. 


If you need to recalculate data, you can refine the area of effect in several ways. Try to ensure that you only recalculate the data required to minimise the database's growth and avoid unwanted consequences with any output. 

First, consider the date range of the data you want to include.

Then, select the Sample Points for inclusion. Finally, the Calculations. 


If data feeds into a sequence of Calculations, there is no need to mark up all of the Calculations. Simply select the lowest Calculation level in the workflow, and producing new results will automatically trigger the onward workflow. 

View the data in question to check the output. Pay attention to the data history to see if changes have been made and if the update date/time aligns with the manual recalculation.


Avoid consistently running Calculations when the output is not as expected or doesn't update the data. It's highly likely that there is an issue with the Calculation's logic. Typically, the Calculator will run every 30 minutes, but heavy load or recalculating large batches of data can take longer to output.