MonitorPro Version 19 Release Notes

Release Notes for MonitorPro v19


MonitorPro version 19 is considered a minor release based on the convention of major.minor.revision. There remain no known significant software defects to be resolved within this version. Each of the items included within the release has undergone testing by EHS Data to the documented standard and the release includes a detailed pre-release test.   

The below details some of the main functional changes and additions to MonitorPro v19. The MP-Web application (encompassing MP-Field) has continued to be updated along with the latest Microsoft .NET. This ensures the latest supportability and security of the application. Several bug fixes and incremental improvements have also been made.  



MP-Field now supports the recording of barcodes. Now bottles can be scanned by a suitable device's camera and the barcode is stored in MonitorPro for that Sample.

Image resolution

Photos taken in MP-Field using devices with high resolutions can now be reduced to enable more effective and efficient onward reporting and storage. The amount of compression can be set in the MP-Field settings. 




Updates to the Compliance system to enable support of Compliance Lists and Import Export of Compliance Grid values.

Compliance Lists

Compliance Lists are analogous to MP-Desktops Compliance Suites. They effectively offer a quick way for users to create common compliance across many Locations within the system. 

Dataset Filter

The filter Dataset user interface has now been standardised with MP-Desktop. This now also supports all the Advanced options for Archived and Deleted data and replaces the Tree which was proving unsupportable with larger databases.

Import - Export

Users can now export Compliance Grids and Lists, make amendments in Excel and then upload them. 

Object Management

The ability of users to administer Objects and other configurations within MP-Web has further been expanded. Now including:

  • Sample Point Categories
  • Header Aliases
  • Level Types

Document Manager

There is now a dedicated Document Manager in MP-Web to enable users to control and manage all the uploaded documents held within MonitorPro, and where these documents are associated.


Graphing now supports the ability for users to create stacked bar charts and stacked time series bar charts.


Additional filtering of Task items in the Calendar



Additional options to filter Obligations on various fields including Names and Comments. 


Ownership transfer capabilities added.

MonitorPro General

Additional Culture/Locale support

Further support not only for language translations and date formats within the application but support for regionally specific numeric formatting. Now users can interact with data in the decimal setting of their chosen culture (such as dot or comma decimal separator). Auto Importers can be set to natively expect certain locales while retaining a common system locale, along with the ability for users to manually import data in their chosen culture. 


Ability to create electronic chains of custody (eCoC) from the Monitoring Scheduler system.  

Excel exports now supported from Scheduled Tasks

Users can now Schedule the export of Excel-based exports.

MonitorPro Desktop

Aggregate COUNTIF function

It's now possible to create Aggregate calculations with the inclusion of a count if function. This enables data to be included/excluded based on certain criteria. For example, only data will be counted where the value matches a certain string(s). 

Metadata transfer in Generic and Specific Calculations

Users can now configure the metadata which is copied as part of a Generic or Specific calculation. On the Metadata tab users can select the below list to be included in the calculated data. This is important where the incoming data is unique based on one of these properties. If that data is not copied with the calculated data then uniqueness may not be maintained, or alternatively the history of the original value lost.

Metadata transfer in Translation Grid

Users can now configure the metadata which is copied as part of a Translation Grid calculation. On the Metadata tab users can select the below list to be included in the translated data. This is important where the incoming data is unique based on one of these properties. If that data is not copied with the calculated data then uniqueness may not be maintained.   

Non-numeric data in Calculations

Users now have the choice of how to handle non-numeric data in a calculation. Historically calculations where non-numeric data was found would output NULL. Now users have the option to control the output text where this occurs, use the option to output the text data found (for example Dry), or output no result at all.  

Calculator Log

It's now possible to drill into a calculation batch and see what data was included, the calculation triggered and the record count. This can be helpful in auditing calculation runs and checking if data is correct/complete. 


In general, the update includes the completion of around 120 discreet product backlog items, bug fixes and performance improvements from v18.

Full List

44599 MP-Database - Barcodes missing permissions
40869 MP-Database - Handle multiple tblSample rows with a sSampleRef being an empty string
41323 MP-Database - If date field contains value longer than 100 chars and has a time column
45655 MP-Database - Scientific notation values flagging as Unusual Data
40708 MP-Database - Setting back scheduled task start date doesn't allow reports for older periods to run
45370 MP-Database - Task Record list in task view and calendar error adding a value to a 'datetime' column caused an overflow
44426 MP-Database - tblOptions has 'Default System Culture' added twice
39496 MP-Database - Unit creation script creates 2 units for meters squared
44343 MP-Database - Upgrade culture migration applies less than multiplier when tag was not present
44740 MP-Desktop -  User settings does not load the startup setting correctly first time
44365 MP-Desktop - Aggregate calculations are using a COUNT rather than the expected value e.g. mean
39346 MP-Desktop - Apply Threshold Level' text doesn't use core override for Threshold Level
45089 MP-Desktop - AutoValidator - Error Writing Attachment to File
45725 MP-Desktop - AutoValidator - Unique id added to start of exported file
44922 MP-Desktop - Calculating using factors throws error
44641 MP-Desktop - Calculator Log - Original and Current Count Logic and Values Questionable
44642 MP-Desktop - Calculator Log - Should order by newest first on Date Run field
44371 MP-Desktop - Calendar for Breaches errors with a blank culture code
42709 MP-Desktop - Can complete a scheduled task
39519 MP-Desktop - Can still access old compliance when weblink present
41794 MP-Desktop - Changing a Monitoring Schedule and saving doesn't update dtUpdate column in tblMonitoringSchedule
45789 MP-Desktop - CheckServerCapabilities dblog failure
41913 MP-Desktop - detection limit truncated in quickview
36751 MP-Desktop - Edit Dataset - Data Qualifier tries to set 
36748 MP-Desktop - Edit Dataset - 'Include records without a Data Qualifier'  checkbox not checked
44256 MP-Desktop - Email Alerts pre-email processor aren't identifying less than compliances correctly if the variable LTM is set to 0
39946 MP-Desktop - Email Log - Retry filter doesn't correctly filter results
45906 MP-Desktop - Error when cannot open Excel
44836 MP-Desktop - FillIist error
38860 MP-Desktop - Find and Replace errors if try to replace sample point and there is more than 32k of them
42342 MP-Desktop - Hierarchical Monitoring Schedule - Exclusion Grid
42346 MP-Desktop - Hierarchical Monitoring Schedule - Sample References settings locked but not checked
40821 MP-Desktop - Hyperlink Gallery - Editing a hyperlink and changing it from embedded to file doesn't remember the change
44553 MP-Desktop - If calculation completes after compliance has been checked
44352 MP-Desktop - If Scheduled Task has no data
37403 MP-Desktop - Import Processor - In a file with some duplicates
39682 MP-Desktop - Imported pdf files do not have correct Origin set
39683 MP-Desktop - Importer tries to read pdf file when pdfs are not included in the embedded file types supported by the importer.
44705 MP-Desktop - Importing a value of a date gets held up in Import Processor as Unusual Data
44794 MP-Desktop - Importing a value of a time gets held up in Import Processor as unusual data
41755 MP-Desktop - Importing data with invalid time column values causes DB Log errors
37979 MP-Desktop - Links can still get duplicated and error
44673 MP-Desktop - Logging - DBLog cleanup throwing sample table reference constraint error
42222 MP-Desktop - Monitoring Schedule - Alerts Tab - Email Templates
37603 MP-Desktop - Monitoring Schedule hierarchies Sample Point Groups is using the old logic (so doesn't immediately update the form ui)
44252 MP-Desktop - Navigation from Data Point to MP-Web Threshold Rule navigation fails
44884 MP-Desktop - Recalc not working from Aggregate copy [ Can't reproduce ]
44487 MP-Desktop - Running calculations that use constants throws error in log and fails to generate output
42012 MP-Desktop - Sample Point - Compliances list is not ordered alphabetically
38360 MP-Desktop - Saving first dataset errors
39953 MP-Desktop - Scheduled Task and Unit overrides should be honoured
44271 MP-Desktop - Single File Importer numeric columns in Variable/Sample Point imports error
39948 MP-Desktop - System Options not ordering alphabetically
42003 MP-Desktop - Translation Grid name is not validated
45343 MP-Desktop - usp_Selection_CreateKML issues with ansi warnings setting and culture
39165 MP-Desktop - When checking IF THEN ELSE in calculation verify it misses the first character after else
45399 MP-Desktop - When using '<' tag
44284 MP-Desktop MP-Web - Culture - LTM Values imported against a Variable with an LTM Value of 0 display as <0 rather than the original value with the LTM symbol
44936 MP-Desktop MP-Web - Data Point history still generating rows when nothing has changed
41318 MP-Desktop MP-Web - File importer two rows identical except different z location works fine except the import processor highlights them incorrectly
45406 MP-Desktop MP-Web - Importing a file can timeout
41288 MP-Field - Data values for wrong source downloaded
45440 MP-Field - Doesn't check for updates and messages user that a new version is available
41453 MP-Field - Downloading a visit in English (UK)
41999 MP-Field - Micro Management date not set in MP-Field
44414 MP-Field - Poor performance on tablet with lengthy form
34014 MP-Field - Pressing the 'return' key on a tablet or mobile device should change focus to the next field 
45867 MP-Field - Uploading visit when user has different database marked as current
41652 MP-Service - Outgoing emails not being sent
39403 MP-Web - Accessing Map tab from Data Analysis crashes
43017 MP-Web - Add Variable - short name validation doesn't clear when unit is changed to make it unique
38164 MP-Web - Area Dialog doesn't have space separating name from rest of heading
39871 MP-Web - Assign Datasets to Reports - Switching database doesn't update reports list
42568 MP-Web - Assign Selections to Custom Forms - Lists not ordered alphabetically
40897 MP-Web - Bar Charts - Negative values use a different colour
44624 MP-Web - Cannot create user with space in name or with no lowercase character in password
42650 MP-Web - Can't download Export directly from Visit Record - Alerts tab
44552 MP-Web - Changing a threshold isn't causing it to be marked for reconsideration of breaches
42682 MP-Web - Compliance Grid values not being saved
38361 MP-Web - Consecutive exceedance of 1 or 1 exceedance in a day doesn't generate Email Alert
44695 MP-Web - Creating line graph falls over with error invalid column sDataQualifier
44750 MP-Web - Dataset Analysis Summary Data takes too long to retrieve from database causing sql timeout
42707 MP-Web - Detailed Obligation Status Report shows deleted Monitoring Schedules
39230 MP-Web - Edit Dashboard Settings when an unassigned user has a profile pointing to a deleted database crashes [Cannot recreate in Trunk/19.0]
36606 MP-Web - Email Log filter dropdown doesn't display possible options
39947 MP-Web - Email Log filters become out of date
44299 MP-Web - Exporting to Excel in Spanish shows numbers with 0 decimal places
36101 MP-Web - Features -  Data Analysis menu Item is enabled when user has no features assigned
44682 MP-Web - Import data with accented characters in
43710 MP-Web - Import Processor - resolve resolution by creating new variable with same name doesn't apply to rest of file
43713 MP-Web - Import Processor - Resolving a variable by creating a new variable with the same name
45387 MP-Web - Importing data with large number of decimal points flags as unusual data
44841 MP-Web - In SSO
42685 MP-Web - Labels of locations switch to long names
42009 MP-Web - List table row not updating tag and numeric value
38450 MP-Web - Manual Data Entry - Checkboxes are slightly different style from that used elsewhere in the application
44738 MP-Web - Monitoring Schedules not creating first visit
35934 MP-Web - MP-Desktop - users can delete the QAQC site causing the blanks functionality in monitoring schedules to break
40874 MP-Web - Obligation Condition filter items not displaying in dropdown
42396 MP-Web - Obligations - Run Report without first choosing a report errors
44342 MP-Web - Passthrough from Desktop shows Feature not enabled
42176 MP-Web - Remove database dropdown from Email Importers page
44704 MP-Web - Removing a variable from a suite breaks
42753 MP-Web - Removing report from a dataset doesn't change dataset reports tab
35557 MP-Web - Schedule 6 Custom Form - Errors if no contact with email available
41756 MP-Web - Scheduled Task Export to Email doesn't allow Export File Name to be set
38715 MP-Web - Scheduled Tasks show up multiple times in 'All Scheduled Tasks' if the scheduled task is in multiple folders
44545 MP-Web - Selection Editor can be made to not load object lists
42812 MP-Web - Selection not editable for supervisor
41482 MP-Web - Sometimes _settings.MP5UserID goes missing causing crash saving obligation condition compliance association
44379 MP-Web - Stop 1 exceedance per day being treated as None
44130 MP-Web - Threshold Grid crashes because it returns deleted sample point id for which the name cannot be identified
44129 MP-Web - ThresholdRules history crashes due to yNumericFilterType set to 255
37025 MP-Web - Translations of Variable Dropdowns for Manual Data Entry don't occur
42335 MP-Web - Visit Records - Allow analysis period to be 0
37402 MP-Web - When only some of the rows in an imported file are duplicates
42344 MP-Web - MP-Database - Visit Record Sample creation breaks
43359 MP-Web - MP-Desktop - Attempting to delete a dataset that has a map area associated with it results in failure and a partly deleted dataset
44739 MP-Web - MP-Desktop - Sample point order not honoured in visit with additional sample types
37552 MP-Web - Report icon ordering inconsistent between Dashboards and Data Analysis