Monitoring Types - Groundwater

Groundwater data in MonitorPro


Groundwater data management in MonitorPro is typically one of the core Monitoring Types with significant functionality designed around its management and use. 


Sample locations can be easily defined and grouped into common categories. 

Coordinates and a range of other metadata can be stored against the Sample Points. 

These include images and borehole log drilling and installation details. 


One of the key ways to display this type of data is spatially using the in-built mapping. There are Options to display the data as thematics to highlight issues and screen the data. 


A range of compliance assessments can be set up to screen and notify users of compliance breaches. 

Data Collection

Data can be collected in the field by users in MP-Field. This offers offline data entry with validation options and facilitates QA/QC collection process management. 

Monitoring performance can be tracked and reviewed for completeness. 


MonitorPro offers a range of automation and integration for higher-volume groundwater data such as loggers 


There are several options for reporting and exporting Groundwater data. These range from reporting formats to tailored exports for onward reporting and integration, such as to external stakeholders.