Release Notes for MonitorPro v20.1
MonitorPro version 20.1 is a revision release based on the major.minor.revision convention. There remain no known significant software defects to be resolved within this version. EHS Data has tested each of the items included within the release to the documented standard, and the release consists of a detailed pre-release test.
The below details some of the main functional changes and additions to MonitorPro v20.1. Incremental releases from v19 won't be included on our Website but will be rolled out to all hosted clients. The main releases will remain downloadable, and any significant software defects will be resolved. The fix will then be rolled back into these builds.
The ability to invert the Y-axis and use a Log axis is now supported.
Example of an inverted Y-axis
A line chart with a standard Y-Axis.
The sample plot with a log Y-Axis.
Graphing Annotation
Much of the Graphing has supported Compliance Limits to be shown for some time. As the Graphing options have expanded, particularly with options to summarise data, not all compliance configured in the system will be applicable in all scenarios (a spot compliance limit wouldn't apply directly to a monthly average). To make it quick and easy for users to add limits, compliance or annotations specific to the plot, 20.1 supports a new annotations feature.
The plot properties now include an option to set your required annotations. These will appear when the plot is printed or displayed on a Dashboard.
Updates to the Image export
This is now more dynamic, and the output can be manipulated using graphing zoom and browser zoom to achieve the required content.
Seasonal Charts
Seasonal charts, sometimes called Cyclic Charts, display trends over time and are grouped over set periods. Seasonal Charts
This new chart type gives various options for displaying and comparing data with distinct patterns over different time scales.
Cross-sectional graphing
Cross-sectional graphing has a range of uses most commonly associated with plotting changes recorded at varying heights and depths.
The below is an example of a Sodar station which records atmospheric conditions at a range of heights.
Table Builder
The Table Builder allows users to create tabular output for data analysis, onward reporting, and Excel export. It replaces the simple List and Grid tables from older versions of MonitorPro. Users can select the fields they want within the table based on several base-type formats. They can also merge and filter data by adding or excluding additional fields such as Data Source, Sample Type, and Time. Table Builder
Indirect Breaches
There can be situations where the compliance assessment is against a calculated or derived value, but the original value must also be flagged in a report or output. Examples could be relative percentage difference calculations, where a field and lab result are compared as a percentage difference. This calculation outputs a percentage difference value, with an applicable percentage value included in a List or Grid based compliance (for example (20%). It's desired, however, also to flag the initial values, which are different by more than the specified percentage. Other scenarios could be a desire to highlight text as a breach. This is also possible using specific Variable Type Yes/No responses, but it can also be done with Indirect Breaches. Using either a Translation Grid, Aggregate or General Calculation to convert text responses into values (such as 1/0).
The update generally includes completing around 72 discreet product backlog items, bug fixes and performance improvements from v20.
ID | Title |
45794 | MP-Database - Calculator overwrite turned off error logs |
50757 | MP-Database - In tblCalcRoot, lRootDataID and lCalculatedDataID are int rather than bigint |
53401 | MP-Database - Translation Grid Values incorrectly parsed |
55127 | MP-Database - Variables with a LTM of NULL/blank cause data with < tag to get stuck in import processor |
54699 | MP-Desktop - Importer - Create Copy button always disabled |
55466 | MP-Desktop - Adhoc Visit logs 'Failed to complete schedule' |
54798 | MP-Desktop - Aggregate Calculation monthly with data offset doesn't calculate most recent aggregate unless data exists in following month |
54459 | MP-Desktop - Can view and access threshold rules from a data point when they are deleted |
54675 | MP-Desktop - Copying an existing Monitoring Schedule, then changing the Frequency, clears the Site/Sample Point tab selected items |
54112 | MP-Desktop - Creating predefined calculation throws permission error |
54841 | MP-Desktop - deleted calculation suite, site group double click does nothing |
54901 | MP-Desktop - Deleting an aggregate shows incorrect prompt |
47312 | MP-Desktop - Find and Replace duplicate warning not explicit enough |
54875 | MP-Desktop - Hierarchy Schedules site not locked down |
45576 | MP-Desktop - If a schedule is removed from a hierarchy, the sample type lists are not reloaded correctly |
55087 | MP-Desktop - If auto import auto discards records, these should be added to the discarded count |
50348 | MP-Desktop - Import Processor - Creating Variable alias not resolving entries in file immediately - CSV UTF8 Encoding |
53246 | MP-Desktop - Manual email alert emails store the last send date in the registry |
53070 | MP-Desktop - Multicolumn aliases are still checked on rows that have resolved normally |
52603 | MP-Desktop - Quick View Samples divide by zero issue if all dates the same |
52622 | MP-Desktop - Sample Taken and Sample Comment variables default to a value if row not in tblOptions |
50727 | MP-Desktop - Saving variable trims name at 20 characters silently rather than validating |
50695 | MP-Desktop - Visit Record - linked sample taken and sample comment being picked up by an overlapping schedule |
43465 | MP-Desktop- File Importer creates variables that are duplicates |
54271 | MP-Desktop MP-Web - Scheduled Task deleted with active task records, Scheduled Task is no longer visible |
52987 | MP-Field - Validation issue causing empty yellow banner with 'Greater than' value with variable type Measure |
52629 | MP-Scripts - Drop constraint doesn't check constraint exists first |
52325 | MP-Web - Action Plans page doesn't highlight a row as due in 24 hours [Ensure works as part of new angular page] |
52808 | MP-Web - Add new data source family asks if I want to update associations |
52543 | MP-Web - Advanced Graphing - Location: One Graph for each sample point, always includes all compliance levels |
54788 | MP-Web - Alert Recipient log retry not working |
53397 | MP-Web - Cache remaining objects |
54754 | MP-Web - Calculation Log - Edit an entry for a General Calculation, and edit Calculation button is disable but still clickable |
54381 | MP-Web - Calculator - Saving a calculation with 2 variables then loading them, shows 4 variables in the bottom test run section |
54621 | MP-Web - Can delete dataset used in a map dashboard widget when it should refuse |
52578 | MP-Web - Can't see sample point group in Edit Dataset |
53247 | MP-Web - Changing a sample point's site should trigger a name check |
54919 | MP-Web - Compliance with many Compliance Rules (Threshold Rules) processes them slowly |
54357 | MP-Web - Console error when viewing audit log for Data Sources |
51503 | MP-Web - Create sample point group from within tree doesn't limit sample points to the site |
50660 | MP-Web - Creating a user with basic package, then giving them Premium via Features page, they now have both |
53106 | MP-Web - Data Analysis - Dataset filter styling |
53107 | MP-Web - Data Analysis - Summary date range label shows Date Sampled. |
54711 | MP-Web - Deleted contacts list has an empty "Users" column |
50696 | MP-Web - Double save occurs occassionally when editing folders |
54116 | MP-Web - Edit database list redirects to error page if there is a problem checking the connection to a database |
53091 | MP-Web - Exporting Compliance Grid gives console error |
53881 | MP-Web - Fix translation in calc log |
49824 | MP-Web - If shared component is loaded twice on same screen, checkboxes do not respond to user click |
52491 | MP-Web - Import Processor - populate blank date with a date in the past, and time gets populated with current time, which is inappropriate. |
53811 | MP-Web - List Calc Roots for data item crashes |
54388 | MP-Web - Manual Data Entry - Make date field a date time field |
55395 | MP-Web - Manual Data Entry queues work for compliance checking twice |
51180 | MP-Web - Mapping key makes bottom left cog dialog hard to read |
52636 | MP-Web - Mapping pin summary mixes cultures |
52849 | MP-Web - Maps - If dataset only has one variable, then for breaches or thematics, dialog to prompt for variable doesn't appear |
54161 | MP-Web - Missing Translations |
53232 | MP-Web - Moving a widget to another dashboard and checking remove after option causes error |
52522 | MP-Web - Navigating from Email Importer to Importer Log causes error |
54706 | MP-Web - New gateway, incorrect banner warning database is wrong version |
53737 | MP-Web - Passthrough, if database can't be found, shows Session Expired rather than Invalid Database |
51608 | MP-Web - Pie Charts - Slices coloured by variable when not representing variables |
54780 | MP-Web - Policy Condition Type dropdown is not ordered correctly |
51868 | MP-Web - Restore object from Import Processor does nothing |
54704 | MP-Web - Sample Point List - Headers for Coordinates are wrong |
53992 | MP-Web - Scheduled Task - Task tracking disabled still leaves Escalation Contact set |
51579 | MP-Web - Threshold associations |
53784 | MP-Web - WinAuth - Cannot create user - console error |
53947 | MP-Web MP-Desktop - Import Processor & Calculations - Resolving 20000 puts 20,000 in sText rather than 20000 |
54427 | MP-Web MP-Desktop - Calculations - Aggregate History crashes with summary period from 0 to 24 |
48194 | MP-Web MP-Desktop - Handling emails for deleted recipients and recipients where email address has been removed |
50747 | MP-Web MP-Desktop - Sampling period validation should use Original Planned Date |