MP-Web Output - Table Builder

The MP-Web Table Builder


The Table Builder allows users to create tabular output for data analysis, onward reporting, and Excel export. It replaces the simple List and Grid tables from older versions of MonitorPro. Users can select the fields they want within the table based on several base-type formats. They can also merge and filter data by adding or excluding additional fields such as Data Source, Sample Type, and Time.  

Example Summary and Statistics Table

Example Grid Summary Table

Base Types

Users must select the Base Type that most closely represents their desired output.

Base List Table

The List Table is the most straightforward layout, with a single row for the data value. It allows additional metadata columns, as each row has a unique value. 

The List Base Type also allows the highlighting of Compliance breaches. 

It contains the following standard columns. Unlike some of the below Base Types, removing columns will not aggregate or summarise data in a List. Each record will remain unique, but context might be lacking where columns are removed (e.g. where data is distinct by Data Source, but Data Source is excluded). 

Base List Summary and Statistics Table

This Base Type provides a summary of the data in the Dataset. Various statistics can be added and removed to build a suitable output. 

Base Grid (Variable) Table

The simplest of the Grid by Variable layouts gives a tabulated view of the data. This format is standard for onward reporting and data use. 

It includes the following columns.

Base Grid (Variable) Extended Table

The extended version of the Grid by Variable allows for including a wide range of metadata for Objects, including Sample Points. Otherwise, it is the same as the Base Grid.    

Base Grid (Variable) Summary Table

This option allows for a typical Variable Grid but with the ability to summarise the data, excluding the need to create calculations to output summarised data. The inclusion or exclusion of specific fields will dictate the level of summarisation. Users can then choose the function (min, max, average, percentile, etc.). By default, the data will be summarised using the Sample Point. 

 This example uses the Sum and Month functions:

And using the Sum and Year functions:

Removing the Sample Point from the table moves the summarisation to the Data Type (Site) level. In this example, the total for all the dust gauges is given. 

There are options to include the end date and start date of the summary period, which can be useful, particularly where the data is to be exported to Excel for trending or further analysis. 

Base Grid (Variable) Compliance Table

This output natively displays applicable compliance breaches and highlights them by Compliance Importance (High Priority Breach, Breach, Warning, Internal). An additional compliance type, called multiple records with breaches, can be displayed. This signifies that the value in a particular cell contains more than a single data point and is also breaching compliance. Please see the section below on Multiple Records for more context and how to refine the Dataset or Table to remove these. 

The base layout is a Variable Grid. 

The Compliance Table includes the following standard fields. 


To produce a table, select the desired option from the drop-down menu, and the table will be created based on the data contained within that Dataset. There will be several groupings:

My Tables are table layouts your user has created and saved. They are not accessible or viable by other users.

Common Tables are table layouts a user has created and saved to share with others. These would be typical reporting or company layouts for sharing data in set formats. When the layout is saved, tick 'Include in Common group' to include it under the Common Tables heading. 

Base Tables are the common Base Types that can be used and modified for a single purpose but cannot be saved; they can only be saved as one of the two types above. 


When saving a new layout, please ensure the title is as descriptive as possible to make it easy to reuse later. 


Each Base Type will include a number and type of Columns applicable as a default. To remove columns that are not desired, the user can click on the three-line icon next to the Table name and then click the x on the applicable column to remove it.

In the Summary Base Types, columns will be removed to summarise data as desired based on the Summary Type function (min, max avg, etc.). For example, creating an annual total for a particular group of Sample Points may be desirable. In this example, a yearly period is used.

Columns can still be excluded for non-summary Base Types to offer your desired output. However, care should be taken to avoid merging data unintentionally by removing columns that make the data unique. More details on this are in the Multiple Records section below.  


Hover your mouse over the three-line (hamburger) icon to order the table's columns. Then click and drag to the order where you want that column to appear. The column order dictates the row order. For example, the data below will be ordered by the Sample Points BH1, BH2, and BH3 first. Changing the first Column to Date would order the data displayed by Date descending and then Sample Point. 


Variable ordering in Grid layouts will be based on the Dataset order. To manage this, edit the Dataset and order the Variables as required. The table will then respect this order.

In the standard Grid Base Types, Variables with no data are suppressed by default. To include the Variable name as a column header but display blank rows (or to assess where data is missing), uncheck the box in the settings for that table. 

Multiple Records 

All grid layouts can merge data based on which columns are included or excluded from the table. Generally, these layouts are not anticipated to merge data intentionally, and either a summary Base Type should be used or the fields that make the data unique be included. The cell will be highlighted as Grey to emphasise that data is being merged. For example, there are two samples for the same Sample Point, Variable, Data Source, Date/Time and Sample Type. The only field that denotes the data as unique is the Sample Reference, which must be included to ensure that each row of data is unique. If the intent is to summarise this data, select one of the summary base types, which gives the option of what operator to use to summarise.     


You can export all the user-generated tables to CSV or Excel. Excel exports will honour the compliance and multiple record colour-coding.