MP-Desktop Data Management and Workflow

An Introduction to MP-Desktop Management and Workflow

  • Email alert system for auto importer and calculated results
  • Compliance management system per variable/sample point/source
  • Embedded file system to link documents/images etc. to objects in MonitorPro 
  • Monitoring Scheduler to manage monitoring programmes and alert when samples/data is missing
  • Supports scheduled and ad-hoc monitoring visits
  • Exports schedules to LIMS for sample pre-registration
  • Testing and cost management system to track the costs of monitoring programmes
  • Task Scheduler to send reports/files/reminders as doc/spreadsheet/pdf/HTML to email or folders
  • Find/Replace tool to move incorrectly data from one object to another
  • Data Calibrator to adjust data sets (linear)
  • Compliance management system permits setting unique levels per sample
    point/variable/data source.
  • Changes to levels are tracked over time. Multiple level types (e.g. internal, warning, breach, urgent action required, etc.)
  • Contact management links with email alerts and other outputs
  • Calculation engine (e.g. a+b=c) with trackback system to locate related readings
  • Aggregate (sum, min, max, count) with options to set summary periods (e.g. daily from 9am to 5pm)
  • Grouping system to assign results from multiple locations to a single one (e.g. average of 5 dust monitors)
  • Calculation ordering to ensure calculations run in the correct sequence
  • Data translation grid system to translate incoming readings to a lookup table (e.g. stream gauge lookup tables)