MP-Desktop Inputs

Introduction to MP-Desktop Inputs


  • Physical limits system to block any impossible data
  • Approval and pre-approval system
  • Alerts to unusual data (such as future dates)
  • Compliance checks on all inputs
  • Full aliasing system for database objects and file headers (e.g. 'BH1' = 'BH01', 'BH001', 'BH_1' etc and 'Date' in a file header = 'dt', 'DateTime', 'Sample_Taken', etc
  • Recording of key sample and laboratory information such as:
    Sample and lab references
    Analysis date
    Test methods
    Detection limits
    Data qualifiers
  • User-defined fields for additional information
  • Many laboratories will supply data files in MonitorPro friendly layout
  • Automatic importer
  • Email alert system configurable as to which events are sent to who (e.g. failed file to lab, compliance breach to compliance manager)
  • Import processor for resolving unmatched objects with items in the database (and creating aliases)
  • Import log to assist in troubleshooting any failed imports
  • Email attachment extractor (rules-based) to send files to the Auto Importer
    'Quarantine' option to hold even validated data from the database for any import until approved
  • Pre-Process script tab to allow VB scripting for custom imports
  • Many pre-built scripts to import files from equipment such as loggers
  • Multiple layouts supported, e.g
    Multiple columns of variables (variable header)
    Multiple columns of sample points (sample point header)
    Long list (single reading per row
    Headers automatically scanned for matches in the database
    'Auto-Create' option to help rapidly build a system
  • Single-file import wizard
  • Imports one-off files, allows users to configure columns manually, save templates
  • Import lists of variables
  • Import lists of sample points
  • Imports and updates sample point co-ordinates
  • Manual data entry
  • Configurable grids for types of data to be entered
  • Drop-down lists for locations
  • Immediate colour coding of a compliance breach