MP-Web Monitoring Schedules Alerts Tab

The MP-Web Monitoring Schedule Alerts Tab

The Monitoring Scheduler will email reminders, missing sample and result warnings, and status reports when Visits and data are due/overdue. The recipients can be selected from the Contacts or new Contacts can be entered directly. Visit reminders can also be exported directly from MonitorPro Desktop in CSV formats so they can be imported on a PDA or handheld devices for example. In addition to the standard Reminder format, there are options to obtain Missing Sample and Status Reports. Users can be sent custom Crystal Reports to mimic Chains of Custody (CoC) or Field Sheets direct from the Monitoring Scheduler, to the user, via email. Furthermore, custom exports can be produced to sync with data collection devices or other databases such as an internal or external LIMS.

As well as being emailed automatically by MonitorPro Desktop, the attachments to these emails can be previewed or exported directly from individual Visits.

The Visits start date in combination with the Sample period and the Analysis period settings, as managed on the Schedule tab control when alerts are sent.

For example, a reminder can be triggered to send x number of days prior to the Visit Window opening, so preparation can be made for the Visit. The Status Report can be set just after the Visit Window closes when it's anticipated all the data will be available in MonitorPro. The missing samples warning is triggered when the Sampling Window has closed based upon the Sample period. The missing results warning is triggered when the Analysis Window has closed based upon the Analysis period. The sampling completed alert is triggered by the sampling status of the samples in the Visit. More on these can be found here Monitoring Schedule Visit Status.

Click Edit to specify who obtains each type of export (reminder/missing sample/status) and what report or export is associated with each type. Now certain users might be set up to be sent a CoC a day prior to the monitoring. This can be a standard template issued by your lab recreated via Crystal Reports, and automatically populated with the contents of that Visit's Sample Points and required analysis. Another user might be sent only a Reminder or a customised Reminder for example.

To get reports to show in the Monitoring Scheduler they need to be copied to your default report location if this is different from the standard location. All reports need to be suffixed with a ‘v’. Such as ‘Reminder Reportv02112012’ etc.