MP-Desktop Outputs and Interpretation

Introduction to MP-Desktop Outputs and Interpretation

  • Dataset system to query the database and save commonly used queries - provides simple double click outputs
  • Dataset system supports rolling dates (both whole and last - e.g. last whole year or the last year from today)
  • Data tables (summary, raw data, pivot table)
  • Time series graphing (interactive) - (summary and raw data), full graph format and edit, save templates, trend lines, 2nd axis, compliance levels, etc
  • Direct export from graph to Excel (with data), multiple options on export style and compliance level options)
  • Pie charts
  • Wind-rose with comparison to contaminant
  • Reporting - standard reports with the install (compliance, raw data, statistical summary report selection), reports customisable by user (Crystal Reports). Export options to Word, pdf, Excel, HTML, etc.
  • Built-in mapping module and links to external mapping such as Google Earth. Supports geo-referenced raster (bmp, jpg, tiff), dxf, shp
  • Displays selected sample points on map
  • Thematics display information (min, max, average, count, count compliance breaches) as coloured dots
  • MapInfo link opens MapInfo with map, selected locations and thematic toolbar.
  • ESRI ArcMap connections
  • Contouring output automatically creates 2D, 3D colour, and B&W contours direct to Surfer, (further customisation of the output can then be completed in Surfer).


In-build Mapping
