MP-Desktop Completeness Checker Setup

How to Setup an MP-Desktop Completeness Checker


On the General tab, give the Completeness Checker a consistent name. The Auto-complete percentage can also be changed from the default of 100%. In the default setting, the Completeness Checker will expect 100% of the records to be imported to complete each Completeness Visit. 


The Completeness checker will enable the user to enter a frequency of data and a summary or aggregation period. For example, you could have a Data Frequency of 1 min but a Summary Frequency of 1 day. The Data Frequency represents the raw collection of data (so a discreet reading every minute). The Summary Frequency will denote the aggregation of this data in terms of notifications and data flows into MonitorPro. In this example, MonitorPro would be expecting 1440 records to be imported each day (where there is a single Variable included) and would alert the user to when this has not occurred. 

The Completeness Checkers are designed for tracking automated or high-volume data. If data is collected more routinely, perhaps where a data logger is downloaded in the field manually, the frequency should be set accordingly. For example, if a logger is downloaded each week or each month the Summary Frequency would be set accordingly. Set the frequency more routinely such as daily where the process is more automated and/or it's important to be alerted as soon as possible when data stops or is missing. The minimum Summary Frequency is daily and the minimum Data Frequency is 1 min.

Set the Starting Date from when you'd like the Completeness Checker to track data. Don't set this back before the entry of the data into the system to avoid large amounts of warnings for missing data. 


Use the Alerts tab to send a completeness email and report for each of the Summary Periods. A delay can be set here also, to account for any delays in the data entering MonitorPro. For example, if the Summary Frequency was daily there might be a short delay in the data being entered by a few minutes. For more periodic monitoring the delay might need to be longer to account for data to be captured and entered.


Failure to set a correct delay will likely result in erroneous Alerts.

Locations/Sample Points

Select here the Location(s) and Sample Point(s) where the data is being collected from. Move the objects from the left (unselected) to the right (selected) as appropriate. 


Select here the Variable(s) where the data is being collected from. Move the objects from the left (unselected) to the right (selected) as appropriate. 


In theory, you can add in as many Sample Points and Variables as you like into one Completeness Checker. This is unlikely though to give effective results if overdone. Each Completeness Checker will be based on a common frequency and summary, so all the Sample Points and Variables, which are included must share this common setting. Equally, if there are multiple Sample Points, notifications will be sent per Completeness Summary, so some investigation may be needed to check which Sample Point is missing data.  

Data Source

Select the Data Source(s) where the data will be imported against.

Sample Type

Select the Sample Type(s) where the data will be imported against.