MP-Web Compliance Variables

Compliance Variables

Variables Tab

The Variables Tab has a number of ways to choose the Variables you want to include in your compliance, similar to those on the Sample Points tab.

Select all Including Future

This allows you to select every Variable in your database and will also add any Variables added in the future. It would be atypical to use this setting as each compliance should ideally be broken down into discreet subsets.


The Search allows you to filter down unselected Variables.

Selecting Variables and Variable Suites

There are 3 ways to select Variables;

Singular ­– Selecting one at a time and clicking the ‘>’ button, which moves the object to the selected box.

Multiple – clicking one object and then hold shift or control and click more samples. Then click the ‘>’ this will allow you to move multiple objects to the selected box.

All – Clicking the ‘>>’ Button will move all of the objects from the unselected box to the selected box.


Works the same at selecting objects, but using the ‘<’ and ‘<<’ buttons

Selecting a Variable Suite

Variable Suites are pre-defined sets of variables