MP-Web Dataset Filtering

Dataset Filtering in MP-Web

The currently selected Dataset can be further refined using the filtering tool, accessed by clicking the Edit Dataset. 

Datasets can be filtered, for example, to omit a particular Sample Point, Variable, or Data Source. To do this, choose the relevant tab and select or deselect the Objects as required.  


Select and deselect the Object by clicking on it and then using the arrows. Items on the left are not selected and items on the right are those which are selected. The search can be used to locate specific Objects. Alternatively use Sample Point Groups, Variables Suites, or Source Families to make selections quicker. 

For Sample Points, users first need to select the parent group on the Site/Data Type tab. 


Tick the 'Use all...' option where you want all of that type of Object to be included. This will include any created after the Dataset has been created. 


Filter by the following Date Type - This allows you to choose between 2 types. The Date Sampled is the date the data was originally taken. Date Imported is the date the data was imported into MonitorPro.

Quick Options – These Options are pre-defined windows of time that will make it easier if you know the window of data you will need.

Date Range Consists of the last whole... – This allows you to choose a date range that is a complete window of time. This ranges from the last whole day to the last whole year e.g. if the Data was from 1st September 2015 then the data would be from 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014.

Date range to consist of the last...- This allows you to choose a data range of non-complete windows of time. e.g. if the date was 1st September 2015, the date filtered would be from 1st September 2014 to 1st September 2015.

Fixed Date Range – This allows you to specify the to and from date down to the minute of a particular day.

The Tree View can manipulate all of the core objects in a Dataset; Site, Sample Point Group, Sample Point, Variable Group, Variable, Data Source, or Sample Type.

Advanced Filtering

There are also options to filter your Datasets in more advanced ways.

Users then have the option of additionally filtering the Dataset based on the Sample Reference, Lab Reference, or Data Qualifier(s). Equally to include Archived, Deleted or Unapproved records. 

When users select the deleted or archived options they also can select data that is associated with deleted or archived Objects. To include these first tick the relevant option on the Advanced tab, then choose the Objects. They will be denoted with a (Deleted), and (Archived) at the end of the Objects name. 

Sample and Lab References

For the Sample and Lab References simply include the reference on which you would like to filter. You can use wild cards to search for part numbers, such as 101% which would return any references starting with 101. Similarly starting with a wild card will return all the references which end in the provided value, e.g. %101 would return 10101, 11101, etc.

Data Qualifiers

By default, the filter will include all Data Qualifiers. To filter to a specific qualifier then untick the 'All data qualifiers' and click in the box. You will be presented with an option to choose the specific data qualifier(s) you wish to filter upon. If you need further details on Data Qualifiers please refer to the MonitorPro Desktop manual.

As items are checked and unchecked, the number of records that will be returned updates dynamically.

Saving and Filtering

Save as Filtered Dataset – Clicking this will temporarily store your changes in the ‘Filtered Dataset’ You will then be returned to the Summary page and can create Tables, Graphs, etc based on the information you have just filtered.

Managing Datasets within Different Roles

Functionality within the Filter Dataset changes depending on the role a user has.

Administrators and Managers have permission to both save new Datasets and update existing Datasets. They can also save Datasets to specific Dataset Folders. Those Datasets will then be automatically allocated to any users who have access to those Folders via Object Access. 

Supervisors, Standard, and Read-Only users can only filter Datasets and save them as new, they cannot update and save Datasets that are created by another user.

Users can also add to the contents of a particular Dataset however, what each user sees will be different. An Administrator can see the objects from the whole database. Managers, Supervisors Standard, and Read-Only users will only see the objects assigned to them, i.e. the combination of all objects from the allocated Datasets combined.

My Datasets Folder

The My Datasets Folder will be available to all users when saving as new. This enables users to make private Datasets for their use. Private Datasets cannot be seen by other users and not shared directly.

They are then accessible under the My Datasets Folder

Sharing a Private Dataset

To later share a Private Dataset, choose to save it as a new Dataset, and modify the name to make it unique (it cannot be the same name as the Private Dataset or the name of any existing Dataset). Then either don't allocate it to a Dataset Folder at all (in which case it goes into the Ungrouped) or save it directly into a Dataset Folder(s), which is already shared with the applicable users. If you save into the Ungrouped Folder, the Dataset can subsequently be added to the required Folders or allocated to a user directly.