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  3. Administration - Email Importer

MP-Web Email Importer Logs

How to manage the MP-Web Email Importer Logs



On the email logs page, there are two main sections of interest, at the top is the ‘Last Ran Time’ for the Email Importer. This should update constantly throughout the day, typically every 5 minutes. It will also display the latest message from the database log table relating to the Email Importer. Below this is the email logs themselves. This is a list of all database entries for the logging of the Email Importer tasks. For each email that the Email Importer receives, you can view the steps taken during its checking of the rules.

There are some filters provided above this table allowing you to find specific entries more quickly. As this log could grow quite quickly if you receive emails at a relatively high volume, you can filter this table down based on ‘Date From’, and ‘Date To’ and by entering text to match many different parts of the emails.

The ‘Search’ filter allows you to search for a specific text value in any of the following: Subject, Sender, Rule name, Attachments. If any of these contain the text you enter in the search box that entry in the logs will be displayed in the result table.