MP-Web Multi-Column Aliases

How to manage Multi Column Aliases in MP-Web


In MonitorPro, a distinct piece of data imported into the system has the common concept of being monitored at a specific location and for a specific substance. Additional options allow you to define data by Data Source, Sample Type, and Data Qualifiers. 

Data from some external sources has a common or single key identifier, which is common for PI, SCADA, and other process control systems. This can create challenges in decoding the single identifier into the constituent objects within MonitorPro. In the past, this has typically been done with preprocess macros and look-up files. Now, there is functionality to support this natively within MonitorPro using the Multi-Column Aliasing. 

Another scenario for this type of resolution involves the desire to obfuscate the true identity or nature of the sample. Users may wish to provide laboratories with sample codes, which need to be resolved and returned to the real object in MonitorPro. This can be done with sample reference reconciliation but also in some situations with multi-column aliases. 

Multi-Column Aliases

Accessed in MP-Web from the Control Panel, Object Management and then Multi-Column Aliases. 


First, create the column names you'd like to map as presented in the incoming files. 


Now, populate the entries with the associated mappings. Users can map the Sample Point, Variable, Data Source, Sample Type, and Data Qualifier. Leave blank those fields that are not required. 

In the example above, the input file will contain a column called 'Tag'. This column will have a value, 'Tag 3,' a corresponding result value and a date/time.  


Importer defaults can also be applied where the mappings are common to all the entries, such as Data Source.

Data will be resolved using the mappings and any other applied defaults. The above example records the data against the Sample Point Air Monitoring - Scrubber 3 and the Variable Carbon Dioxide (%). 

Before entering the data, you can repeat the mapping configuration for the required inputs and resolutions. However, new mappings must be set up before the data is imported. 

Mappings for standard headers

The system will not allow columns added to standard column headers, such as Sample Point or Header Aliases referred to them. The relevant Unmatched Entry needs to be set for these fields where users want to create mapping entries to apply to standard Headers. The example below is for Sample Points.

Here are examples of where 'DMW-1D' resolves to DMW-1 and applies a Sample Type of Duplicate. All other Sample Point names in that import file column will then apply as normal based on direct matches or Aliases to Sample Points within the system.