MP-Web Object Management - Variables and Units

Managing Variables and Units in MP-Web


The below details specifically Variables within MonitorPro. If you would like more information on the general concepts, please see the following Objects and Terminology article. 


Variable properties can be managed through the Variables option, which includes creating and managing Variable Suites.

Colour association

MP-Web allows Variables to be allocated a colour code so that each Variable displays a consistent colour in MP-Web graphing.

Variable Colours

Variable Type

Variable Type settings enable controls to be placed on the input of data for particular Variables. This can be used to ensure consistency and accuracy of manually entered data via MP-Web and MP-Field. 

General - General data entry, including alphanumeric characters, is allowed; however, data entry outside the Variable's physical limits is not allowed.

Calendar - For entering dates and times, the option presents the user with a date time picker.

Change On/Off - Presents the user with a change toggle switch of On/Off.

Change True/False - Presents the user with a change toggle switch of True/False.

Change Yes/No - Presents the user with a change toggle switch of Yes/No


These options present the user with the last known reading. This will be displayed initially if the previous reading was On (for example, a pump running). 

Check On/Off - Presents the user with an On/Off or Not Set switch.

Check True/False - Presents the user with a True/False or Not Set switch.

Check Yes/No - Presents the user with a Yes/No or Not Set switch.


These options don't take into account past data. The default value will be Not Set. 

Dropdown List - Provides options for users to create a drop-down list of items to be selected. 


These lists can be internationalised using the translations to accommodate multiple user languages. 

Measure (using backwards estimates) - Used to validate numerical entries of data within x2 Standard Deviations of the previous 5 readings. 

Measure (using nearest estimates) - Used to validate numerical entries of data within x2 Standard Deviations of the nearest 5 readings. 

Measure (warning if 20% difference from previous) - Used to validate numerical entries of data within 20% of the previous 5 readings. 


Values outside of the above validation will require the user to enter a comment to validate the entry. 

Meter - Values entered should be greater than the previous, as is typical of meter readings. The value should also be within x2 Standard Deviations of the average increase recorded over the past 5 readings. 


The MP-Field tab allows users to configure additional information to be displayed in the MP-Field. These would typically be additional sampling instructions, working procedures, or other verbose descriptions that cannot be accommodated in the Variable name. 


Units can be added or updated. 


Units cannot be deleted to avoid issues and confusion with Variables they may be associated with.