MP-Web Object Management - Variables Aliasing

Managing Variable Aliasing in MP-Web


Aliasing allows consistent storage of Variable naming conventions while seamlessly importing data from multiple sources. 

Variable Properties

The Aliases tab is accessible from the Variable properties. Users can manage and edit existing Aliases and add new ones.

Click on the edit to view an existing Alias. Once finished, click Update.


After updating, please remember that the Variable properties form must also be Saved to apply the change.

Conditional Aliases

Aliases typically resolve based solely on the Alias name. However, it is possible to make them conditional on other information provided on import. 

One typical example is a resolution based on a Test Method. MonitorPro may have Variables for Total and Dissolved metals; however, the lab may only provide the metal's name and a separate method. In this case, users can configure the Aliases to be conditional.  

Other scenarios are supported based on the Sample Point to which the data is being resolved, the Data Source, or the Sample Type.