MP-Web Obligation Grouping

How to manage Obligation Grouping in MP-Web

The Obligations can be added to Groups to better organise and simplify access. This could be by the site, or for single-site setups the type of Obligation (Permit, Consent, Engagement) or the Data Type it relates to (Groundwater, Noise, Dust, etc.).

To add a new Obligation Group click on the Add Obligation Group button. Give the Group a name and then select the Obligations you want to add to the Group. Unselected on the left and selected on the right. 

Obligation groups add v15

Repeat this process for the number of Groups needed.

Once a group has been made it can be edited from the main Obligations page by clicking on the Edit, which is located next to the Group name. Select and deselect the Obligations as required.


Permissions to add and manage the Groups are restricted to the Role of Administrator. This is because it is possible to further restrict access to users based upon the Group an Obligation is placed within.