MP-Web Output - Combo Charts

MP-Web Combo Charts


A combo chart enables users to plot a series as a line and a series as a bar on one time series graph. It can be useful when comparing volumes (which naturally display better as bars) and concentrations (which naturally display better as lines). Examples are things like rainfall and temperature, or volumes of discharge and concentrations of compounds.


Choose the series to display, either Sample Point or Variable. This will then toggle later options. Choosing Sample Point will offer multiple Sample Points to be included in the plot and choosing Variable will allow multiple Variables. 

Series - Sample Point


The first option is to choose the required Variables. Users can choose one for the Bar and one for the Line (if users require multiple Variables see the Variable series option below). 

Site/Data Type

Where a Dataset contains more than one Site/Data Type users will be given the option to choose which to use to further filter the Sample Points. As with all the settings, those options on the left will control what is represented in the bars and those on the right the line(s). The example below gives the option to display Air Monitoring data and Weather data together. 

Sample Points

Next users can choose the Sample Point(s). In the Sample Point series, there will be an option to select data across multiple Sample Points for the chosen Site/Data Type.  

Series - Variable

Site/Data Type

Where a Dataset contains more than one Site/Data Type users will be given the option to choose which to use to further filter the Sample Points. As with all the settings, those options on the left will control what is represented in the bars and those on the right the line(s). The example below gives the option to display Air Monitoring data and Weather data together. 

Sample Points

Next users can choose the single Sample Point for the bar(s) and the line(s). 


The final option in this mode is to choose the required Variables. Users can choose any multiple for the Bar and any multiple for the Line.


The summary allows the type of summary (min, max, avg, etc) and the frequency of the grouping (daily, weekly, monthly, etc). 


If the data which is being aggregated is of a high degree of accuracy then users should ensure that the Variable decimal place setting is suitably managed, as this is used to present the accuracy of the resulting summary data. If this setting is not set for a particular Variable then summarised values can be presented as 0.



The Axis ranges can be amended independently edited from the pencil icon above each plot.


The below shows the simplest of options where one Variable has been chosen for a common Sample Point to present rainfall and temperature. 

The following is more complex where multiple Variables have been selected as bars. In this case concentrations of gas. The line represents a common barometric pressure concentration. 

This example includes multiple Sample Points on both the bars and lines, to present concentrations and flow rates.