MP-Web Output - Line Graphs Options

MP-Web Graphing additional options


Data can be summarised, which is useful when viewing high-volume data. Select the option to summarise line data, then choose the summary option relevant to your data frequency. Then click Draw Graph. The data can be added to your dashboard in this mode and will be saved with this summarisation.

Split By

Typically each series will be defined by the graphing options in the earlier steps, such as by Sample Point or by Variable. There can be scenarios where the data needs to be split by Data Source or Sample Type. The example below is using the Split By Data Source to create two series one for each of the two Data Sources included in this particular Data Set.  

Then an example which is split by Sample Type representing Depths. This could equally be used to compare replicate samples defined by Sample Type. 

Axis range

The Y-Axis can be modified to suit. Click on the edit (pencil icon) to open the Axis options window. You can then set a min and max to override the default. This setting is saved and will apply as an override if the plot is added to a Dashboard.

Date Slider

A date slider can be toggled on and off. This is useful for larger datasets so you can restrict down the date range for better analysis of the data. To toggle the slider on and off select the double-ended arrow icon from the menu.

Data Points

Data points can be added to a line chart to see where there are actual data points. Click on the dot icon to toggle these on and off.

Drill Down

Users can drill down into the data of a particular plot to check values or any outliers.