MP-Web Output - Scatter Plot

How to use the MP-Web Scatter Plot


The scatter plot enables users to compare results from Variable to Variable or the same Variables with differing Data Sources or Sample Types. Typical use cases would be where a comparison is desired between Field and Lab Variables, or a comparison between replicate samples denoted by Sample Type.  

Sample Points

First, choose the Sample Point(s) to be included within the plot. As with other graphing options, the Sample Points displayed will be representative of those chosen in the Dataset being used. 

X-Axis and Y-Axis Variable 

Now select the Variable(s) which should be compared. 


If data is present against two distinct Variables choose those in the drop downs. If the data is present against a common parameter but you wish to compare against differing Data Sources or Sample Types select the same Variable in both dropdowns.

This is the minimum amount of configuration required and users can now draw the graph. 

This example has no additional filtering and data presented is against distinct 'field' and 'lab' Variables. Each Series is set to be the Sample Point (the default).  

X-Axis and Y-Axis Filtering

Each axis can be subsequently filtered where required. This would be typical whereby the substance to be compared is captured against a common Variable. For example pH and then a comparison based upon the 'field' and 'lab' Data Source. This could equally be used to provide lab-to-lab comparisons for example.  

In the below configuration, choosing the same Variable and filtering by differing Data Sources will then give the following output. 

A similar concept would be to compare Sample Types such as depth measurements or QA/QC Sample Types.


This setting allows the series to be defined. Typically this would be set to be the Sample Point, giving a series for each Sample Point chosen. 

The plot can be configured to provide series definitions based on the Data Source or Sample Type. 

Match By

The match by option allows users to further refine how MonitorPro matches pairs of data. Some options will be specifically included depending on the previous steps and cannot be changed here (they would simply return no matching data). 

Time - By default, data will be compared using the date alone and excluding the time. Selecting the time will then only match pairs of data where the date and time are the same.

Sample Reference, Lab Reference and Coordinates - These are also items within MonitorPro that make data unique and can be used to further refine how data pairs are matched. 

Data Source and Sample Type - As with Sample Point these will be included when defining the series grouping using either of these fields.