MP-Desktop Predefined Calculations

How to use Predefined Calculations in MP-Desktop

MonitorPro has several flexible calculation options available to the users, such as Aggregates (for aggregating data over time), Translation Grids (for transposing data), and the General Calculator for a range of other configurations. In some situations, there is a need for particular, or custom calculation logic to meet a user's needs or to save time creating them using the other inbuilt calculators. To facilitate this MonitorPro has the Predefined Calculator. This enables specific logic to be built in, either offering a much quicker way of configuring complex scenarios, or workflow which cannot be achieved by other means within MonitorPro.


The setup of each Predefined Calculation will depend on the specifics of what the calculation has been designed to do. First, choose from the Preset Calculation list the calculation you require. Below is a link to all the current calculations that can be added to a user's system on request. A number of the more common examples are included with every build. 

Add a name and then move to the Calculation tab.

Calculation Tab

This tab will display the main configuration of the calculation. It will vary depending on the specific example being used. 

Variable and Sample Points

As with most other calculations select the Variables and Sample Points which are applicable to this calculation. Some calculations won't include these options where it is not applicable to the calculation logic (for example where the calculation is specifically designed to work against a single input Variable the Variable tab will be hidden). 

A library of calculations has been made to achieve this and can be activated on request. The list details below the general function of these calculations and their general function. 

Predefined Calculation List