ALS laboratory eQuote

Details of how to import electronic quotations (eQuotes) for ALS


Australian Laboratory Services (ALS) is a multi-national laboratory servicing the analytical needs of many mutual MonitorPro clients. They produce an eQuote that details the analytical requirements a client has requested, the cost, and the applicable containers for sampling. MonitorPro can accept this eQuote (provided as an XML) to automate the creation of Sample Templates, which are the basis for the MonitorPro Monitoring Scheduler.


Navigate to Monitoring Schedules, Sample Templates, and then eQuote 

Any previously uploaded eQuotes that were uploaded will be displayed where applicable with a status.  

The intention is for users to upload multiple eQuotes over time, applying updates as applicable to the existing Sample Template structure. 

Click on the Import button to upload a new or updated eQuote. This file will then be processed and produce a tab with the general details read from the file and a log. 


This tab will include the details read from the eQuote. The first time an eQuote is uploaded, the Data Source must be applied. 


The log will detail the items which cannot be resolved between the eQuote and the user's configuration of MonitorPro. 

User's systems will likely have some consistency with ALS's Analyte naming convention, but it is unlikely ever to be universal. Therefore, the eQuote resolution supports MonitorPro's aliasing system. 

Sample Templates

A Sample Template will be created based on each of the sales items contained within the eQuote. A Sample Template will not be made if unmatched items are contained within.


MonitorPro will attempt to resolve the Analyte provided in the eQuote with the Variables in the database or with aliases to those Variables. 

Where the log indicates that a Variable could not be resolved, users must create a suitable alias from that Analyte. 

Conditional Aliasing

Potential scenarios exist where the Analyte is not distinct from the corresponding Variables in MonitorPro. This is typical for Total and Dissolved metals. It is not desired to resolve 'Aluminium mg/l' > 'Aluminium Total mg/l' unconditionally, as this can lead to issues with routine data imports. For this reason, the eQuote upload also supports MonitorPro's conditional aliasing. These scenarios use the ALS Sales Item Description (the same name given to the Sample Template) to make the resolution conditional. 

The example below, 'EG020X-T:Total Metals by ICPMS—Suite X,' has been used for this purpose. It should be used where there is ambiguity, and a direct alias is not desired. 

Container Type

Each Container Type in the eQuote must be set before MonitorPro can create Sample Templates using those containers. The log cannot establish the correct syntax if this is not done in advance. 

Rechecking and Apply

Users can use the recheck to force MonitorPro to recheck the file following the above-mentioned update. Once the updates have been made, the user can apply the upload, and the Sample Templates will be created or updated. 


Monitoring Schedules

Users can use the newly created Sample Templates in the required Monitoring Schedules. This information stored in the Sample Templates will control the required analysis and populate outbound integration such as the ALS eCOC