Data Input Overview

How MonitorPro Integrates with Data


There are several ways MonitorPro can be used to streamline and improve the workflow of data collection and integration. It can offer significant time savings and offer users access to a range of data types in a single, secure and readily accessible location. These are just some of the ways data can be collected in a high-level overview.  

Auto Importers

Auto Importers are the mainstay of importing data files (also known as Electronic Data Deliverables or EDD). Unlike some other systems that require data to be presented in very specific file formats/EDD formats, MonitorPro offers much greater flexibility. Effectively any data contained in a readable plain text format (.txt, .csv, .dat, etc) can be imported. MonitorPro does this using a combination of tools which include aliasing and defaults, with support for a range of date formats, file type formats and workflows. We equally have a library of pre-processing scripts which can support complex file formats without the need for significant configuration and setup. These are available for the most common environmental data loggers from the industry's well-known brands. New or modified workflows can also be added. 

Email Importer

The Email Importer sits above the Auto Importers and directs data files to the correct workflow. Based on a range of rules incoming emails to MonitorPro can be processed, stripping attachments for import. This process negates the need for users to manually process routine emails and avoids issues with holidays, shared inboxes and human error. 

Common Examples


Due to the flexible nature of the Auto Importers virtually any logger that can produce an output file will integrate with MonitorPro. In its simplest form, this may be a user downloading the data onto a device and then when in the office dropping this file into one of the Auto Importers for processing. Loggers that can drop files on a set frequency to a Network drive or FTP can then be processed by the Auto Importers. This can give near real-time data entry. For loggers that can email files out then these can be directed at the Email Importer for processing. 


Often laboratories will send their data files/EDD directly to the Email Importer for processing. MonitorPro can accept virtually any laboratory format including metadata such as limit of detection/reporting limits, less than values, methods, dilutions, references and comments. 


Non-data files can also be imported via the Auto Importers and processed based on set rules. Common examples are the importation of pdf laboratory certificates, drill logs, photos and other associated documents. The images and documents can be automatically associated with the required data based on several rules such as matching Laboratory References, Sample References or Sample Point names. 

Database Importer

For connection with other database systems, MonitorPro has an inbuild Database Importer. This is typically deployed to import data from historians such as PI and SCADA. This process can be scheduled to pull the required data on a set frequency for onward summarisation and reporting.