MonitorPro Desktop Object Management

How to manage objects in MonitorPro Desktop


For an introduction to the different Objects which can be created and managed in MP-Desktop users should first familiarise themselves with the general principles detailed in the Objects and Terminology introduction

In general, when navigating MonitorPro a double or single click will 'drill' into an object showing the user the layer of the information below. For example, when double-clicking a Sample Point, MonitorPro will display a summary of the data for the point, organised by Variable.

To access the properties of an Object then select that object and right-click, then select properties.    

  • Objects can be created at each Objects own level of hierarchy (so when at the Sample Point level an option will be available to add a new Sample Point). 
  • Objects can also be created in a number of specific dialogues. For example when in a Calculation, users can create new Variables required to output data.
  • In the main menu ribbon, users can create new Objects using the New options menu. 
  • Finally, users have the option of the Single File Importer, which enables the mass update of new Objects into the system.