MonitorPro Report Templates

Report Template Examples


Compliance Alert Report

The Compliance Alert Report mimics the Email Alert format for displaying compliance breaches. Regardless of the Dataset ONLY breaches will be included in the report excluding any data which is not breaching a limit. Data will be grouped by the Importance of the breach derived from the Level Type (High Priority, Breach, Warning and Internal). The Level Name will be included to show the Compliance which has been exceeded. Data will be included in the report for each breach, duplicating where it has breached multiple compliance limits. 

Use the report to screen data for breaches and assess compliance at the required locations. 


This report is ideal to set as a Scheduled Task to screen data on a periodic basis where an immediate email alert isn't needed.

Compliance Breach Report

The Compliance Breach Report lists breaches and highlights based on the Importance Level of the breach derived from the Level Type (High Priority, Breach, Warning and Internal). Regardless of the Dataset ONLY breaches will be included in the report excluding any data which is not breaching a limit. Data will be grouped by the Site/Data Type/Aspect Type. The Level Name will be included to show the Compliance which has been exceeded. Data will be included in the report for each breach, duplicating where it has breached multiple compliance limits. 

A summary is provided per Site. The Key indicates the Importance Level which has been breached and whether it is a lower or upper limit. 

Compliance Exceedance Report

The Compliance Exceedance Report lists breaches and exceedances, then highlights based on the Importance Level of the breach derived from the Level Type (High Priority, Breach, Warning and Internal). Regardless of the Dataset ONLY breaches AND exceedances will be included in the report excluding any data which is not breaching a limit. Exceedance is a term used when advanced compliance rules are used. These could be the consecutive breach modes or conditional modes. 

Data will be grouped by the Site/Data Type/Aspect Type Grouping. The Level Name will be included to show the Compliance which has been exceeded. Data will be included in the report for each breach, duplicating where it has breached multiple compliance limits.

Only data which has breached the conditional rules will be highlighted. Any exceedances will remain grey, showing they exceeded the limit but did not breach the additional rules. 

Compliance Highlight Report

The Compliance Highlight Report is another iteration, however, this does not filter to only breaches and will include all the data present in the Dataset. Breaches of limits will be highlighted again using the Importance Level. Upper breaches to the right of the value and lower breaches to the left of the value.