MP-Desktop Hyperlinks

How to manage Hyperlinks and Embedded Documents in MP-Desktop


MonitorPro Desktop has three modes for importing hyperlinking and embedding non-data files (such as PDFs and photos) and associating them to data and database objects.

Hyperlinks and embedded files can be attached to database objects such as Data (via a Batch, Sample Ref, Lab Ref or the Data directly), Sample Points, Sites, Variables and Data Sources. Hyperlinking is a manual operation, while embedded files can be associated with objects automatically based on set rules. 

Manually adding Hyperlinks

Manual hyperlinks will allow for documents such as PDFs, .png files or other file formats to be linked within individually selected data or objects. Hyperlinking can be found in the Control Panel/Hyperlinks

Once the hyperlink has been set up it can then be attached to the database object of your choice. Right-click, select properties and open the Links tab. From the screen select the required hyperlink from the drop-down menu and select ‘add link’. This will associate the new hyperlink with the database object.


Linked items can be viewed within the created hyperlink under the ‘Linked To’ tab.


Hyperlinking is best suited to clients with established systems for managing external document storage such as Microsoft SharePoint.

Alternatively, the embedding option is more flexible to automate the association of many regular files to data and objects. As the files are embedded into the database this also avoids issues with links becoming broken as folder structures change, or with differing permissions restricting access to specific individuals.

Automatically Importing Embedded Files via Auto Importer Rules

The auto importer can embed documents and files into the database with data as it's imported.

Select the Embed Files tab in the auto importers' options and set the filter and rules you wish to apply. Once the rules are applied, embedded non-data documents can be imported through the auto importer in the same way as data by dragging and dropping or saving into the auto importer folder.

The rules determine how the auto importer treats the hyperlinked objects


Link the file to a batch of data brought in with the same name (but a different extension)

A non-data file can be imported with a matching name to the data file being imported. In this scenario, the file will be linked with the batch (file) of data. 

Sample Point

This option is used to match non-data files to Sample Points by naming the file the same as the Long or Short name of a Sample Point in MonitorPro

Sample Reference

This option will use the Sample Reference in the non-data file name to match with the data including the corresponding Sample Reference.

Lab Reference

This option will use the Lab Reference in the non-data file name to match with the data including the corresponding Lab Reference. 

Automatically Importing Embedded Files (Using Hyperlinking Column)

Documents can also be attached to relevant data by including a 'hyperlink' column in the import file. In this mode the user would import a data file as normal but with potentially multiple non data files they want to be embedded and linked to the data.

In a Variable Header layout file, the file(s) will be embedded and linked to the corresponding data points.

In a List layout file, the file(s) will be embedded and linked to the corresponding data point individually which allows for a greater refinement of the linked files if needed.


Troubleshooting Hyperlinking


When importing, embedded files will initially appear as purple. This means the file has been embedded but not yet linked. Assuming the correct logic has been used on import this will update to green or ‘success’ within 5 minutes, once the link or association has been made by the system.

If the entry remains as partial import, then you can double-click on the item to review.

Any non-linked files can be manually linked using the manual process described above for hyperlinks. There is also a shortcut on the desktop indicating any situations where associations have not been successfully made automatically.