MP-Desktop Mapping

How to use the MP-Desktop Mapping


MonitorPro Desktop includes a GIS mapping interface.


This allows visualisation of Sample Points and Data on OS maps, DXF, Aerial Photos etc. The embedded GIS does not rely on any prior knowledge of mapping or mapping systems.

Mapping Toolbar


Full Extents
Zoom to Layer Extents
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Hot Hit
Add Sample Point
Add Layer
Print Map Report
Export Map
Scale Bar Control


Layers are mapping information which is layered one on top of one another. There are Maps (which can also be sub-layered), the Sample Point layer, the thematic layer, and the hyperlink layer.

Selecting layers 

Available layers are shown on the left-hand side of the map and can be selected or deselected by using the tick box.

Removing or formatting layers  

The Sample Point and Hyperlink layers can be formatted.  Right-click the layer and from the menu select legend…Format Style.  There are some basic styles in the style drop-down box, or select ‘True Type Marker’.  This then gives access to all fonts on your system. 

Re-ordering layers 

Layers can be dragged up or down to be above or below other layers.

Sample Point layer

Sample Points are placed on the Sample Point layer.  To display on a map, they must have coordinates associated with them in MP-Desktop and be selected.

Thematic layer  

The thematic layer displays coloured dots at sample point locations according to the relative value of its readings, (for example average chloride), and displays a legend to the left.

Full extents 

Clicking this button zooms out to the full extents of all layers currently loaded in the mapping (including Sample Points)

Zoom to Layer extents

This zooms to the extent of the currently selected, rather than loaded layer.  To select a layer, click on it in the left pane. Or alternatively right click the map and choose from the menu.  Use these to navigate around a map.

Zoom and Pan

The Zoom in works with a single click.  To zoom to the area of a drawn box, hold the shift key, at the same time as drawing a box with the left mouse button down.

Hot Hit

Selecting this, and then clicking a sample point on the map will display the sample point properties.

Add Sample Point

Select this, hover over the map and click to add a new sample point.  The coordinates will be automatically entered on a new sample point properties page which pops up.

Importing Maps 

Many formats of map or other image can be imported – e.g. .shp, .dxf, .dwg, .bmp*, .jpg*, .gif.*, .Tif*


These formats will all import – but to be geographically related to the Sample Points they must have an accompanying georeferencing file.  

To import a map, click the folder icon on the map toolbar.  Browse to your map file and double-click it to import.  


Creating Thematics

To see summarised information on the data that underlies the sample points, choose a summary option, then a variable to summarise.

The thematic is displayed – on this map, there are many Sample Points with lower conductivity and a smaller number with higher conductivity.


Entering Sample-Point Co-ordinates

Sample Points have associated X and Y coordinates.  When added to the database this allows them to be displayed in their correct position on the map.

Co-ordinates can be entered either directly onto the edit sample point form, or via the Single File Importer.  See the section on importing data for full details. When importing a list of sample points, including an X and a Y column.