MP-Desktop Data Entry Validation

How the Less Than Multiplier and Physical Limits are used in MP-Desktop

Less Than Multiplier

When data is entered into MonitoPro it can be imported with a 'less than' value often represented as a <. This concept is based on the analytical uncertainty of a particular method of testing/analysis. It is also known as a Reporting Limit, Detection Limit (although these two things are not strictly the same), or Quantification Limit. The sensitivity of the analysis will dictate the value, which can be displayed with the value, such as < 1 or in a column of its own (in a list format). 

MonitorPro stores the < 1 as a text value and then will convert this to a numerical value. The numerical value can be manipulated based on the assumptions the user wants to make regarding the presented less than value. This presentation is defined by the less than multiplier and is by default set a 1 as the most conservative option. 


The text value ‘<0.02’ is stored for future use in reports, etc. By default, there is a multiplication factor of 1 for the numerical value. So in this example, the number 0.02 would be stored for numerical processing (statistics, graphing etc.)

The default multiplier can be changed on a per Variable basis. To edit, go to the Variable properties, values tab, then amend the ‘Less than multiplier’ box.

Entering a 0 will cause the numeric equivalent of any < values to be 0. To half the text value, the less than multiplier would be set to 0.5.


Physical Limits

Physical Limits are properties which can be set for each Variable. Entering these can prevent impossible data from entering MonitorPro. A common example is pH, with a min limit of 4 and a max of 14.  Now only values between 0 and 14 will be accepted to the database for pH.


See the relevant section for the setup of compliance.