MP-Desktop Auto Importer

How to use the MP-Desktop Auto Importer


The Auto Importer is the main way to import common and routine data files. The Importer is highly configurable and can be set up to import almost any data which can be presented in a text readable file format such as .csv, .txt or the MonitorPro .mpr format. Most large laboratories around the world will be able to provide data in a 'MonitorPro' format, however, the inbuilt flexibility allows MonitorPro to accept a range of data without the need to change the file structure. We also have a suite of import routines or preprocess macros which enable us to import a range of file outputs from a number of well-known logger brands.   

File Types/Formats

One of the main things to understand is the file format/type a user's data is in. This typically falls into a few common/general types as detailed below.

In common between these is the concept of Header Aliases which can be set up to deal with Header names which do not directly match the Object names used in MonitorPro (Sample Point, Variable, Data Source etc). There are a number of these pre-configured into MonitorPro for common resolutions.

With the exception of the .mpr format, the order of the columns is not important and resolutions are made on the Header names or Aliases to them. For that reason, the files do need some form of readable header information. 

Some fields are mandatory in MonitorPro for data to be resolved and accepted into the database. These include Date, Sample Point, Variable and Date. Additional non-mandatory fields can be included which include Sample Type, Lab Reference, Sample Reference, Data Qualifier, Test Method, Uncertainty, Detection Limit, Analysis Date as well as 5 further User Definable Fields. 

Grid (Variable Header)

The Grid/Variable Grid or Variable Header format will first have the common data fields of Date, Site (not mandatory), Sample Point and Data Source, followed by a column for each distinct Variable. The values will then be presented in a Grid, hence the name. This format is most common for files containing field data or data that has been manipulated by a user for presentation or analysis.

A variant of this format allows for Units of measurement to be captured on a second row. For example, Temperature is included in row 1, and the Celsius in row 2. These two rows will then be combined before the resolution of the    

A Grid has its limitations when metadata needs to be captured, such as a method of analysis or Sample Type, as these can only be stored as columns and cannot be unique to an individual value.  



The List format will first have the common data fields of Date, Site (not mandatory), Sample Point and Data Source, followed by a Variable column. The values will then be presented in a distinct Value column, giving a list layout. 


This format allows for significantly more metadata to be captured as additional columns in the file. This format is most common for laboratory data where users wish to capture information such as Sample Ref, Lab Ref, Method, the Limit of Detection, Dilution Factors or other relevant information. 


This style permits a convenient, consistent transfer of data between data suppliers and MonitorPro systems. Unlike other types which work on reading headers, the .mpr works on a fixed header order. There is actually no need for a header row but columns must be presented in the fixed order, changing the order by changing the headers will not change how the file is processed.

The column order for a .mpr is Date, Site, Sample Point, Variable, Source, Value, Comment, Sample Ref, Lab Ref, Sample Type


An MPR file is actually a .csv file with a renamed suffix. Renaming to .csv enables it to be opened in Excel or similar.


Grid (Sample Point Header)

The Grid/Sample Point Grid or Sample Point Header format will first have the common data fields of Date, Site (not mandatory), Variable and Data Source, followed by a column for each distinct Sample Point. The values will then be presented in a Grid, hence the name. This format is most common for files containing field data or data that has been manipulated by a user for presentation or analysis. It's less common than a Variable Grid. 


Grid (Source Header)

The Grid/Data Source Grid or Data Source Header format will first have the common data fields of Date, Site (not mandatory), Variable and Sample Point, followed by a column for each distinct Data Source. The values will then be presented in a Grid, hence the name. This format is most common for files containing field data or data that has been manipulated by a user for presentation or analysis. It's the least common of the Grid formats.