MP-Desktop Data Entry Introduction

An introduction to importing data to MP-Desktop


There are several methods of entering data into MonitorPro Desktop

  • Manual data entry - A tool for adding in ad hoc or relatively small manual transcriptions of data
  • The single file import wizard - Predominantly used to create or update objects such as Sample Points or Variables, however, it can be used to import individual data files.
  • Auto importer - A highly configurable import process, which consists of folder watchers that monitor for incoming files to process. Importers can be configured to support a number of file types and layouts. This is the core mechanism for importing routine lab data, logger files or any other consistent and known file types.  
  • Database Importer - The Database Importer allows for seamless integration between MonitorPro and other database systems such as PI or SCADA. It allows connections between databases to be made and routine queries ran against these systems to import data directly.   

All methods check data for integrity before committing to the database. Quality and integrity checks include:

  • Spelling mistakes in Object names
  • Physical limit breaches
  • Compliance/Threshold violations
  • Duplicate values
  • Invalid dates
  • 'Unusual’ data

These validation rules can be managed by the user to suit the specific requirements. These would include management of the physical limits at a Variable level, setup of Sample Point and Variable specific level Compliance/Thresholds. 

Wherever possible, data is automatically resolved.  Both the long and short names plus the library of Aliases are used to resolve all Objects on import. Additional Aliases can be added as required. 

Invalid data is held in the Import Processor for resolution before submission to maintain data integrity and consistency. 

Text and numerical values including management of less than reporting < values are accepted for all import methods.