MP-Desktop Manual Data Entry

An Introduction to MP-Desktop Manual Data Entry

From a Dataset

In going directly from a Dataset, MonitorPro Desktop knows what data is intended for the import, and can therefore display a grid without the requirement to complete a data selection. The intention would be that users create Datasets for the purpose of common Data Entry routines, thus saving time. 

Next, start filling in the grid.  No data can be entered until the mandatory grey cells are filled (which are filtered to the contents of the Dataset). Enter data into the white cells.

Users can tab between cells or use the mouse. ‘Enter’ takes you to a new row by default.

Each data entry is automatically validated when you leave a cell. Checks are made to ensure that you are entering data within your selected date range, against physical limit breaches and threshold levels.

Once finished Commit the data to the database and then a re-summarisation of any relevant calculations will be completed. 

From the Task Bar

The process is the same as above, but first, the user would need to define the Objects the data is to be entered for. 
