MP-Web Mapping Object Management

How to manage Mapping Objects in MP-Web


Mapping is accessible from Data Analysis and the details of which are detailed in the Mapping section of the knowledge base. 

The Mapping Object Management controls some of the setups of the mapping, predominantly to do with the Mapping Areas

User-Defined Fields

User-Defined Fields can be added and associated with User Defined Field Groups. Subsequently, these groups can be associated with Areas in the Mapping. This enables users to track and store relevant information about the areas they draw and keep this information specific to the different types of areas they may wish to draw. 

Create the User-Defined Fields as required and add them to an applicable group or create one. 

Mapping Management UDF v15

User-Defined Field Types

User-Defined Fields can be configured to manage consistent data collection and flexibility of configuration. Each User Defined Field (UDF) can be given a name, added to a group (as above) and a type.

Mapping Management UDF type v15

The type of the UDF dictates the information which can be recorded.

Radio - The Radio option will provide a button for each of the options. Only one response can be recorded, for example, Yes/No.

Dropdown - This option enables the selection by the user of a fixed list of options

Text - A text box for entering free text like comments

Paragraph of Text - As Text but is a larger box for larger amounts of text to be recorded.

Date - Provides a date picker

Number - Ensures only a numeric field can be entered