MP-Web Action Plans

Managing Action Plans in MP-Web

Action Plans are the administrative and managerial hub for the Action Centre. This area is designed to offer an overview of the Action Plans currently in progress. The status is derived from the status of the Tasks within the Plan. For example, an Action Plan will have a status of closed when all the Tasks within the Plan have been completed. If a task is overdue the whole Action Plan will inherit this overdue status and be highlighted red.

Action Centre

The filter allows for the Action Plans to be filtered down by Plan Type and Status.

When clicking on an Action Plan, the tasks and breaches linked to that Action Plan are displayed.


Tasks are actions that are assigned to a particular user with a due date. The number and type of Tasks are related to the Action Plan Type. At the moment Action Plan Types need to be added by EHS Data, please contact for more information on how to get custom Action Plan Types added.

From a Plan for each Task the assigned user, the due date and status can be updated. It's also possible to remove breaches from the Action Plan.


Creating Action Plans

From any Dataset users have the option to add two types of Action Plans or manage existing ones. Users should navigate to the Action Plans tab.

Data bound

Data bound Action Plans to enable users to add breaches into an Action Plan so they can be managed, or remediated. Use the tick box(es) to select the breaches you'd like to add. 


You can use the Filter Dataset option to reduce the required data to that which needs to be added to the Action Plan if your starting Dataset contains too much data to be manageable. 

Adding to a New Plan

Choose the relevant Action Plan Type, which in turn manages the type and number of Tasks to complete. Give the Action Plan a suitable name. It's a good idea to add into this name a period of time, or the exact date depending on the logic being used (for example one plan for each round of monitoring or a monthly/quarterly plan for all breaches). The apply someone for the Plan to be assigned to.

Adding to an existing Plan

Here users have the option to add breaches to an existing plan which is already in progress. 


Non-data-bound Action Plans can be created where the Plan is not related to a specific breach of data. This would be more typical of managing a spill or environmental incident.  

Provide a Name. Select a Plan Type that is specific to non-data-bound events. Choose a Location (Site/Data Type) applicable for the event and an assignee.