MP-Web Dataset Calendar

How to use the MP-Web Dataset Calendar

The Dataset Calendar differs from the calendar in the Control Panel in that it displays information from the current Dataset only. There are options for a Monthly, Yearly, and List view. Only users that have a Role of Supervisor, Manager, or Administrator can access the entire Calendar under the Control Panel, and the Dataset Calendar gives all users access to a subset of Objects allocated to them. 


The monthly calendar view allows a review of items on a month-by-month basis from the start of the Dataset. Calendars display data, breaches, files imported, monitoring schedules, and scheduled tasks. They can be selected or de-selected using the tick boxes.

Drilling into the Object will give further details, in this example the breach information.

And with Monitoring Schedules


The yearly calendar gives an overview of larger Datasets

Clicking on the object will then display the specific details, in this example of each breach. 


Each object type has its own legend which can be toggled on and off to see the status of each.