MP-Web Import Log

Accessing the MP-Web Import Log


Under Data Entry there is an option to view the MonitorPro Import Log. This provides a summary of the data imports made into MonitorPro.

Once clicked, today's import log will automatically be displayed, and will automatically refresh to the latest data periodically.

Should you wish to change the query being executed, you can alter the query using the fields under the section ‘Import Log Options’ at the top of the page, these include:

From Date

Select all imports that start on or after this date.

To Date

Select all imports that start on or before this date.

Import Folder

Display only logs from a particular import folder.


Display only logs of a particular status.

Once you have defined the query, click ‘Retrieve Import Log’ to retrieve the new query.


Success - A Green Success indicates the file imported the first time directly with no resolutions needed. The data included will be present in the database.


Data can be shown as Success as this is true at the time of import. Data can later be deleted, or data subsequently imported over the original entry. 

Pending/Uncommitted - An Amber Pending/Uncommitted indicates that at least one record has been held back for resolution. This could be either an unknown object(s) or validation such as a physical limit or an old date check. Users can review the resolutions required by accessing the Import Processor. This status will remain until the data in the Import Processor is resolved or rejected. 

Manually Processed - A Blue Manually Processed status indicates that resolutions have been made to the file and that all the data within the original file has been processed and accepted into the database. This is a follow on the status from Pending/Uncommitted. 

Partial Import - A Pink Partial Import status indicates that some of the data in the file were accepted into the database, but some remaining rows were discarded (not accepted). This is a follow on the status from Pending/Uncommitted. 


This status is also used for importing embedded (non-data files such as pdf). The files will first show as partial and then an automated process will try and associate the file as per the rules set on the importer. Linked files will then turn Green Success.  

Rejected - A Rejected Red status indicates the entire contents of that file were either rejected by the user and will display the text Removed, or the file failed to import and will display the text Failed Incorrect Structure - For failed files, users would need to look at the layout of the original file and confirm that it includes the required header rows or header aliases, or that it was imported into the correct importer for that file type. More file types are included in the Importer Setup Introduction