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MP-Web Internationalisation

How to manage Internationalisation in MP-Web


The MonitorPro Web application uses the Google Translation service to translate all the application text into all of the supported languages. Application text is the text that appears on menu buttons and other web page controls. Database text describes the various objects inside a MonitorPro database. No automatic translation is provided for database text, but there are tools to assist should this be required.

Database Object Names

 The text of any MonitorPro Desktop object can be changed depending on the users’ chosen language. For example, when switching to Spanish, the word ‘Location’ can be translated to the Spanish ‘Ubicación’. 

 Manage database object names  

Choose the object type and target language and click continue. Now you can type into the Display Text box whatever text you would like to be displayed whenever the Source Language is changed to the Target Language. The Suggestion column uses the Google Translation API to offer suggestions. If the suggested translation is accurate, you can click the green button to the left of the suggestion to populate the Display Text box. As well as the core object names, other MonitorPro Desktop objects can be translated too, such as Variables.

Application Translation

All of the application text is pre-translated using the Google Translation service, sometimes though a translated word or sentence is not accurate for a particular region or meaning. To address this, the Manage Application Translation tool provides a method to alter or replace existing text for any chosen language.

 Manage Application Translation 

To see the current French translations, choose French from the language drop-down list next to the continue button. The suggestion column is blank as we already have translations added.