MP-Web Object Management Relating Suites to Groups

How to relate Suites to Groups in MP-Web


It is possible to make relationships between Variable Suites and Sample Point Groups to be used in the MP-Web Manual Data Entry.

For example, you may have to collect data at set locations as part of a Monitoring Visit. You can create a Dataset which contains these objects, for example, 10 Relating Suites to Groups Variables and 10 Sample Points.

It's possible though that only data for Variables 1-5 are collected at locations 1-5 and only data for Variables 6-10 are collected at locations 6-10 (or any combination). Without the associations, the only way to clearly let the user know what they need to enter would be to have two separate Datasets.  

To enable this to be completed in one process, suitable Variable Suites and Sample Point Groups need to be created. In the above example two Sample Point Groups containing 1-5 and 6-10 respectively and a Variable Suite with 1-5 and 6-10.

Once complete an association needs to be made between the two object groups. First, select the relevant Sample Point Group and then select the Suite(s) you wish to relate to that Group.

The real benefit of this feature is if you have lots of locations of a similar type where the same data is routinely collected. So for example if you had to monitor a generator or an engine at 10 locations you would be required to perhaps record the oil level, fuel levels, hours, status etc. You may though also have to monitor a pump at the same compound/facility which only requires the volume pumped to be recorded.

In this case, a multi-site group could be used to group together all the engines and another to group all the pumps. By then creating a Variable Suite for the Pump Variables, one for the Engine Variables and making the associations any Datasets with these groups and suites would inherit the associations and make manual data entry dynamic to the location selected.