MP-Web Obligation Filtering

How to manage Obligation Filtering in MP-Web

Obligations can be filtered so that users can more quickly access those of interest. For example, Obligations that are assigned to them, are due for renewal or are out of compliance. Obligations and their associated Obligation Conditions can be filtered based upon any standard or User Defined Field (UDF).

15.1 Obligation filtering

To create a new filter click on the New Filter button. Next, select the field which you would like to filter upon. These are grouped into Obligation and Obligation Condition fields. Once you have chosen your field, choose the comparison operator. This could be equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, etc. The final option is to then choose the value to filter upon. This will generally be an option from yes/no or a drop-down list.  

15.1 Obligations filtering 2

Once the rule has been completed you can apply the filter or you can add another rule. For example, you might want to filter to the Obligations that are assigned to you but are also out of compliance. Add as many rules as required and then apply.

You can also save your filters for another session. You also have the option of making the filters accessible to other users of the system. This would be useful for more generic filters, but it's better practice to limit sharing filters that are very specific or filtered to specific users.


15.1Obligations filter save

15.1 Obligations Filter select

You can choose to apply a filter that has previously been saved. On choosing a filter the Obligations will be filtered to the rules set within that filter. If you then drill into a particular Obligation the Obligation Conditions will also be filtered based on those rules (this is only applicable if one of the rules contains an Obligation Condition comparison, such as a responsible person, compliant, etc).