MP-Web User Groups

How to set up and manage MP-Web User Groups


User Groups allow for the management of users, roles and databases to be done more efficiently.
user groupsTo add a new user group click the Create New in the top right corner.

Once on the Create User Group page, you can add a name and description for the user group. Once the fields are filled in, you can click create. This will take you to the page where you will assign objects to the group.

User Group13

On this assignment page, there will be 3 options to configure
Users – All of the active users within your MP-Web system

Roles - The Roles that are available to assign to any users you choose

Databases - The Databases that the chosen users will have access to

Object Access

Object Access allows for even further control of what users within a User Group can access regardless of the user's Role. This enables unrelated, or sensitive configurations to be restricted. 

First, choose the database and then the Object Type you would like to allocate to the user. If this setting has already been activated and is only being updated then the Turn on Object Access will be selected. If not then it will need to be selected. Allocating the specific Object Types then gives access to these items within the system to the User Group. The access is based upon the Groups and Folders of the relevant configuration. If these haven't been created they will need to be done so first. 

This functionality can be used to specifically control access to Objects such as Obligations, Monitoring Schedules and Schedule Tasks, for example, to restrict access to certain (perhaps sensitive or confidential) Obligations. 

The broadest scope for Object Access is to control Dataset allocation for users. This can be done on a Folder level (more flexible) or on an individual Dataset basis (this setting is controlled in the Administration/Advanced Settings).