Trial Quick Start

A Quick Start Guide to MonitorPro


If a user has any problems with accessing the trial site they should email

This guide along with the wider Knowledgebase can be used to help familiarise yourself with the application. Please note trial site access is given to users to get a basic overview of the system. It contains generic data and users won't have the benefit of formal system training. 

Contextual help can be accessed from the Help menu in each page of the application and this will navigate you to the relevant page in the Knowledgebase.   

Log in

Each trial user will be provided with a named user account and password. These accounts will have a concurrency of one. The Role provided to Trial users is Manager. This gives the users access to most functionality but not all Admin functionality.  

Enter your user name and password, also changing the language to suit your location. Then click Sign in. 


The default landing screen for users is the Dashboard. A users Home Dashboard is blank to be populated with relevant Dashboard Widgets. A number of other Dashboards are shared with the users.  

For more see HERE


The side menu can be used to access the main parts of the application: 

Some Key areas:

Datasets - A Dataset is a subset of the system and are broken out into Dataset Folders and then Datasets.

Data Analysis - This will take a user to the last Dataset they had selected and the main output functionality of the system. 

Control Panel - This provides access to the main functional areas of the application to manage Monitoring Schedules, Scheduled Tasks and Objects etc.


Datasets allow quick access to the required areas of the data. Choose the category and then Dataset to investigate further. Selected one will take you to the Data Analysis. 


Please note there are a large range of Datasets in the trial databases, which cover a range of Data Types. Not all will be applicable for all scenarios. If you wish to test a specific piece of functionality and can't locate the correct data, don't hesitate to contact your sales representative or

Data Analysis

Data Analysis contains the main output areas of the application:





Data Entry

Data entry within MonitorPro is highly flexible, however it will not simply process any file or file type provided. If clients would like to test importing their own data into the system then data may need to be formatted to some extent. 

Example formats can be obtained from each of the Importers. 


MP-Field can be accessed by the user from the phone icon on the top menu. The application is designed to be used on tablets or mobile devices, however can be demonstrated on your laptop/PC browser. 

There are a number and type of Visits which can be downloaded by the users for testing and data uploaded back into the Database.