
MonitorPro Versión 20

Notas acerca de la Versión 20 de MonitorPro


MonitorPro version 20 es considerada una versión menor según la convención de revisión mayor.menor. En la misma, ya no se detectan problemas de software importantes que deban resolverse. Cada uno de los elementos incluídos en esta versión han sido evaluados por parte de EHS Data según un estándar documentado, incluyendo una prueba de funcionamiento detallada previa a su lanzamiento.

En el presente artículo se describen los principales cambios y las nuevas funciones que estarán disponibles a partir de la versión 20 de MonitorPro. Las versiones incrementales sobre la versión 20 no estarán disponibles para ser descargadas desde la sección de soporte de nuestro sitio web. Sin embargo, si estarán disponibles para todos los clientes alojados en nuestros servidores (clientes hosted). No obstante ello, las versiones principales recibirán actualizaciones y seguirán estando disponibles para su descarga.


Instrucciones de Muestreo

La pestaña MP-Field disponible en las propiedades de una Variable, permite agregar información adicional acerca de las instrucciones de muestreo, la cual luego estará disponible para los usuarios de MP-Field. Por lo general, se trata de instrucciones de muestreo adicionales, procedimientos de trabajo u otras descripciones detalladas que no se pueden incluir en el nombre de la variable.

Recipientes para Muestras

En MP-Field ahora es posible visualizar todos los recipientes y conservantes asociados a una visita de monitoreo. Esto ayudará a los técnicos a saber qué recipientes deben utilizar para el muestreo requerido.



A partir de ahora se pueden visualizar gráficos de líneas con los puntos de datos o sin ellos. También es posible visualizar sólamente los puntos de datos, lo que permite alternar facílmente hacia un diagrama de dispersión. Simplemente haga clic en el ícono correspondiente para alternar entre las distintas opciones.

Líneas sin Puntos

Líneas y Puntos

Solo Puntos

Etiquetas y Títulos de Ejes

A partir de la versión 20 se incluye la posibilidad de agregar títulos de ejes en los gráficos que se descargan como imagen, o cuando se agregan a un Tablero de Control.

Programas de Monitoreo y Cotización Electrónica de ALS

Australian Laboratory Services (ALS) es un laboratorio multinacional que atiende las necesidades analíticas de muchos usuarios de MonitorPro. Este laboratorio ofrece a sus clientes una cotización electrónica que detalla los requisitos analíticos que fueron solicitados, su costo y los recipientes necesarios para realizar el muestreo. MonitorPro es capaz de integrarse con esta cotización electrónica (proporcionada como archivo XML) para automatizar la creación de Plantillas de Muestreo (Sample Templates) que son requeridas en los Programas de Monitoreo de MonitorPro. Puede más información consulte el siguiente artículo cerca de eQuotes.

Cálculos Genéricos

La Cálculos Genéricos en MP-Web ahora ofrecen las mismas funciones que los Cálculos Genéricos y Específicos de MP-Desktop. El siguiente artículo sobre Cálculos Genéricos de MP-Web ofrece más detalles y completa el conjunto de funciones de cálculos disponibles en MP-Web.

MP-Desktop y MP-Web

Alias ​​​​para Múltiples Columnas en MP-Web

Muchas veces, los datos que provienen de fuentes externas poseen un identificador de clave única, que es común para PI, SCADA y otros sistemas de control de procesos. Esto puede crear dificultades a la hora de decodificar el identificador único para poder alojar el dato en los objetos que constituyen la base de datos de MonitorPro. En el pasado, esto normalmente se hacía utilizando macros de preprocesamiento y archivos de búsqueda. A partir de la versión 20 de MonitorPro, es posible manejar esta situación mediante el uso de Alias para Múltiples Columnas.

Alias ​​Condicional

Es posible crear un Alias Condicional en función de la datos incluios en el archivo de importación. Un caso típico de apliación se presenta ante una resolución de Alias basada en el nombre del parámetro y el método analítico utilizado por el laboratorio, por ejemplo, cuando el nombre del parámetro no indica si se trata de un metal total o disuelto.


En resumen, la actualización incluye la finalización de alrededor de 424 elementos discretos de la cartera de funciones del software, corrección de errores y mejoras de rendimiento desde la versión 19.2

ID Title
48279 MP-Database - CheckComplianceGrid has been removed but is still referred to as part of usp_ComplianceGrid_CopyFromSelection
48102 MP-Database - Deprecate tblSelection.lSiteID
50739 MP-Database - Feedback from eQuote testing
49082 MP-Database - If jump from v17 to v19.2, trigger error is displayed for renamed column
49528 MP-Database - If NaN is provided as a text value, this corrupts the associated dValue
48474 MP-Database - MP-Field visit data is downloading with a  character before the 'readonly' character ¬
48678 MP-Database - New database units adds m2 twice
49521 MP-Database - Obligation Status Report incorrectly highlighted
48575 MP-Database - tblDocument_Object can have duplicate entries into it, causing issues with reports
49190 MP-Database - MP-Web - We have usp_Selection_Save and sp_SaveSelection, latter should be removed and replaced
48295 MP-Database - MP-Web MP-Desktop - Remove lRecordsRaw and lRecordsSummary from tblSelection
48297 MP-Desktop - Address SQL Injection risk with OUTPUT TEXT when saving generic calculation
45510 MP-Desktop - Calculator Log issues with calculations that don't populate tblCalcRoot
49229 MP-Desktop - Creating generic calc with no name then click Save shows warning dialog then closes new calc
48441 MP-Desktop - Data point dialog, compliance level tab, clicking on a rule name navigates to a broken page
50566 MP-Desktop - Email Alert being sent without all breaches for imported file for calculated batch
48556 MP-Desktop - GIS Mapping shows error (Installation issue)
50348 MP-Desktop - Import Processor - Creating Variable alias not resolving entries in file immediately - CSV UTF8 Encoding
44029 MP-Desktop - In calculations you can click Recalculate while changes are pending
47478 MP-Desktop - Inconsistency with saving Sample Type lSampleTypeSpecialRuleID  between web and desktop
49098 MP-Desktop - Installer no longer installs xml v6  (msxml)
45587 MP-Desktop - Monitoring Schedule ad hoc sample counting issue
49432 MP-Desktop - Monitoring Schedules - When creating adhoc visit, and clicking Apply button followed by OK, attempts to save a second time
49567 MP-Desktop - Multi Column Aliasing - Status of the first row in a file using Multicolumn alias tags dictates the status of all other rows in the file.
42209 MP-Desktop - Multi-column import mapping (like alias) - Implementation
48835 MP-Desktop - Optimising Monitoring Schedule processing of old adhoc monitoring schedules
49515 MP-Desktop - Passthrough - Can navigate to to Administration page when Email Importer Log is loading
48383 MP-Desktop - sp_statisticsquickstats doesn't retrieve source or sample type, causing Statistics by Variable report unique count to be different than export
48818 MP-Desktop - Task Record - 'Completed Date' dropdown shows date and time in UK format
50574 MP-Desktop - ufnThresholdRuleNonComplexList now includes fixed lists
50901 MP-Desktop - Update multi-column aliasing to handle sample point etc columns
48581 MP-Desktop - usp_thresholdbreach_areaofeffecttasklist considers Threshold Rules which belong to a deleted Threshold
50041 MP-Desktop - When 1-line file is imported, and tblData and tblImportData are being reindexed, file remains as Unknown status
50234 MP-Desktop - Wind Rose icon does nothing when clicked
49032 MP-Desktop MP-Web - ALS eQuote Design
49035 MP-Desktop MP-Web - ALS eQuote Implementation
50124 MP-Desktop MP-Web - Change compliance in calculations to use level type instead of threshold level
47799 MP-Desktop MP-Web - Creating a sample template that uses suites, association doesn't show
48688 MP-Desktop MP-Web - Monitoring Schedule - Allow disable of auto-complete
49168 MP-Desktop MP-Web - Multicolumn aliases unmatched entry
47800 MP-Desktop MP-Web - Removing variables from suite, remain in template
45234 MP-Desktop MP-Web - Scheduled Task - Task Status - Error with attachment generation, task still appears as successful
49707 MP-Desktop, MP-Database - Stop file importer using MD5 check for adding to tblEmbeddedFile
48251 MP-Field - Data Point Count in Upload dialog for a visit is misleading
49614 MP-Field - Downloading field visit when sample templates with a NULL lSourceID crashes
49775 MP-Field - Downloading visit in a culture, entering date, switching culture then entering another date causes upload to fail
50039 MP-Field - If a visit has only deleted contacts for responsibilities, any user should be able to download the visit, but this isn't the case
47964 MP-Field - If duplicate set up in MP-Web for visit, then cannot create QA/QC triplicate in MP-Field
47020 MP-Field - If no historic visits available, should display appropriate message
49537 MP-Field - Previous button values not showing
48499 MP-Field - Show containers and preservatives needed for a sample
48498 MP-Field MP-Web MP-Desktop - Addition of comments/instructions
49693 MP-Web - Compliance Rule - Audit - Tab Errors When Exceedance Period Key is set to '0'
49499 MP-Web - 3rd replicate is not translated
47780 MP-Web - 404 Not Found /js/bootstrap/bundle.min.js.map
48173 MP-Web - Add support for searching for documents / links to global search
47686 MP-Web - Add Task Record Status Details to calendar
4468 MP-Web - Add warning about manual data entry outside of the selection date range
49603 MP-Web - AG-Grid Table Theme changes
49531 MP-Web - Alert Recipient Log - email retry doesn't work
48081 MP-Web - Alert Widgets are available to non-admin users
50067 MP-Web - Alias - Make clear when alias modifications aren't saved yet
50257 MP-Web - Aliasing - merge UDFs and Filtered Aliasing onto one tab, called Conditional Rules
51065 MP-Web - Angular pages not kicking users out
48092 MP-Web - App Status page doesn't translate database connections string
49508 MP-Web - Associations - sample ref, sample templates details
50921 MP-Web - Auto Importer settings not correctly saved to database
47656 MP-Web - 'By By Date Query' label issue on Data Analysis Summary
50117 MP-Web - Calculated Compliance line shows NULL tooltip rather than no tooltip
50057 MP-Web - Calculation minor style changes
49525 MP-Web - Calculation ordering not opening general calc modal
50120 MP-Web - Calculation saved in web cannot be opened in desktop
49699 MP-Web - Calculation suite does not link to contained general calculations
50112 MP-Web - Calculations should ask whether existing data should be recalculated
49549 MP-Web - Calculations with NULL in tblCalc.bCustomAllVariables or tblCalc.bCustomAllSamplePoints cause error loading general calculation
49902 MP-Web - Calendar picker limits to 2050 or before
49748 MP-Web - Cannot include multi-site sample point group in dataset when a single relevant site is included
50909 MP-Web - Can't remove a multi-select dropdown choice without having to click on the selected entry in the dropdown
49702 MP-Web - Change calculation background to Grey
49243 MP-Web - Completeness Report - Percentages become huge when in spanish
48580 MP-Web - Compliance enforcement of level type missed the threshold instances
50351 MP-Web - Compliance Rule - Dynamic Filter - Can't set Filter contraint between - upper limit value to a float, only an integer
50342 MP-Web - Compliance Rule - Setting start time or end time also sets date part to today
50751 MP-Web - Compliance Rule validation highlights in Dynamic Filter on loading
50096 MP-Web - Compliance Tables breadcrumb Edit link navigates to List rather than specific Compliance
47688 MP-Web - Conditional Aliasing - Implementation
50554 MP-Web - Connecting to a database with a username longer than 30 characters fails
49509 MP-Web - Core objects not translated in associations
50938 MP-Web - Create a copy of a Monitoring Schedule which is part of a hierarchy, the copy has status options disabled
49488 MP-Web - Dashboard - Clicking Dashboard Settings multiple times opens multiple layers preventing dashboard from being interactable after saving settings
49492 MP-Web - Dashboard - Create pie chart with for selection with fixed date range, dashboard shows no data
48284 MP-Web - Dashboard crashes with mapping error [EXPLAINED, NO CODE CHANGES]
45962 MP-Web - Data Analysis - large dataset notifications (angular version)
49782 MP-Web - Data Analysis - Map tab, Pin Dialog - Avg value shows too many decimal places
41721 MP-Web - Data Analysis - Replace Maps tab with Angular version - Breaches
48492 MP-Web - Data Analysis - Replace Maps tab with Angular version - Sample Point/Data point dialog with table
41289 MP-Web - Data Analysis - Replace Tables tab - Grid view with Angular version
40881 MP-Web - Data Point Dialog - General tab
49498 MP-Web - Data Qualifier showing empty data qualifier 
49522 MP-Web - Datasets setup to include deleted variables show ids rather than name in map pin dialog
39562 MP-Web - Disable user's existing sessions when sign in from new location
43423 MP-Web - Document Manager - sample and lab ref help
48336 MP-Web - Dots on line graph won't display after setting y axis min/max values
47823 MP-Web - Edit Importer - Spelling error
50101 MP-Web - Editing a variable suite, clicking on Associations tab, then close, stops List edit buttons working
50912 MP-Web - Editing a visit record and changing status doesn't always get reflected correctly in list
48560 MP-Web - Email Alert - Audit / Association icons are incorrectly positioned
48394 MP-Web - Email Rule breadcrumb allows access to Web Admin Pages
49183 MP-Web - Enter .63 into a Grid compliance table, it evaluates to 0
49490 MP-Web - First User gets logged out from the first user page
51028 MP-Web - Fix a divide b times c issue
45015 MP-Web - General Calculation - Add record to ordering when calculations created (General Calculations)
45843 MP-Web - General Calculation - Audit tab
45838 MP-Web - General Calculation - Calculations tab - Compliance sub-tab
45839 MP-Web - General Calculation - Calculations tab - Rules sub-tab
45840 MP-Web - General Calculation - Calculations tab - Test Run sub-tab
49578 MP-Web - General Calculation - Calculator tab - Improve alignment
45846 MP-Web - General Calculation - Create Calculation dialog
45844 MP-Web - General Calculation - Delete and Restore, Create Copy
50945 MP-Web - General Calculation - Hovering over a calculation highlights in white on a white background
50984 MP-Web - General Calculation - If tblCalc.lCustomCalculationTypeID is NULL, can't load calc
45845 MP-Web - General Calculation - Links tab
47773 MP-Web - General Calculation - Provide access to Recalculate modal
45841 MP-Web - General Calculation - Result tab
49575 MP-Web - General Calculation - Result tab, add title to subsection
45842 MP-Web - General Calculation - Sample Points tab
49037 MP-Web - General Calculation Changes
48597 MP-Web - General Calculation design revisions
49574 MP-Web - General Calculations - Calculation Wrapping
50951 MP-Web - General Calculator - Add function tooltips
50974 MP-Web - General Calculator - Allow navigation through calculation using direction buttons
50952 MP-Web - General Calculator - Math bracket sizes vary
49579 MP-Web - General Calculator - Table rows not vertically centered
48031 MP-Web - Generating graphs can cause SQL error with tblOptions
45238 MP-Web - Generic Calculations - Link Calculation Ordering edit button to dialog of Generic Calculation
48495 MP-Web - Graphing - Carry through dots to dashboard
50047 MP-Web - Graphing 'Compliance Levels' dropdown doesn't filter out deleted threshold rules
50361 MP-Web - Graphs - Graph with start and end time for compliance doesn't show start and end times correctly
49585 MP-Web - Header Aliases - Dropdown font size is 14px not 12px
48486 MP-Web - Here Map Images API v3
50584 MP-Web - Hide 'Inactive' banner if adding monitoring schedule or already set to Inactive
47657 MP-Web - Import Processor - Create Alias checkbox appears inappropriately
49828 MP-Web - Import Processor - Resolving Variable doesn't always enable Resolution Management tab options
48402 MP-Web - Import Processor Resolution Dialog - Adding a new sample point when Site isn't chosen, doesn't update selected site/sample point when navigating back to Resolution Dialog
50989 MP-Web - Investigate - Excel Export works (slowly in Desktop but errors in web
49532 MP-Web - Line Chart - Multi Sample Point - missing secondary title
50084 MP-Web - Line Graph - Auto scaling doesn't take into account compliance line
48502 MP-Web - Line graphs - add option to hide connecting lines
49493 MP-Web - Line Graphs using Split By should be consistent about split ordering
47801 MP-Web - Make Single Sign on logo / text  more generic (formerly Display Okta Single Sign On logo / text on Sign In screen (sso) when using Okta rather than Microsoft)
49535 MP-Web - Manual Data Entry - from data entry - setting time sets date to today
43153 MP-Web - Map Labels rendering badly/corrupted (Abandoned due to time, no changes made)
49030 MP-Web - Mapping fails to render graph
50335 MP-Web - MIgration from 5.9 leaves isolated tblThresholdInstance entries
49584 MP-Web - Monitoring Schedule - Exclusion Grid table styling
49913 MP-Web - Monitoring Schedule - If change start date, modifying save dialog text label
46610 MP-Web - Monitoring Schedule Hierarchy errors when creating with same template
49523 MP-Web - Monitoring Schedule Status column not centered
49122 MP-Web - Monitoring Schedules - Inactive schedules displaying in the list twice
48663 MP-Web - Multi-column aliasing restore button doesn't work
47570 MP-Web - Multi-column import mapping - Implementation
50816 MP-Web - Multiple sign-ins are being allowed rather than signing out older sessions when user signs into new instance (Investigate why cookie remains for .AspNetCore.Identity.Application when all others have been abstracted from the underlying technology)
49589 MP-Web - New Data Analysis - Passing invalid id leaves Dataset dropdown blank
49356 MP-Web - New Manual Data Entry - UI modifications
50722 MP-Web - No feedback when a search is taking place
47977 MP-Web - Obligations and Obligation Conditions - dropdown lists not alphabetically sorted
49470 MP-Web - Passthrough culture of en-AU uses en-US culture instead
49533 MP-Web - pie and Bar chart drill down missing axis title on download / add to dashboard
49524 MP-Web - Predefined calculation parameter translation
49512 MP-Web - Preservatives edit modal starts with save enabled
50657 MP-Web - Remove button on Features page to remove a user from a feature is showing a non-clickable guid
49495 MP-Web - Removing users from contact does not remove them
48635 MP-Web - Sample Type Dialog Load issue
51033 MP-Web - Sample Type option missing in general calc
49527 MP-Web - Scheduled Task delete and pause fails
50721 MP-Web - Searching for variable shows duplicates
48976 MP-Web - Set useMSOLEDBSQLCrystalDriver tblOptions setting to true by default
47689 MP-Web - Single File Import Wizard autoimports should not display in Email Rules dropdown
49491 MP-Web - SSO - Logging in takes the user to the sign in page
48265 MP-Web - Standardise charting displays
50720 MP-Web - Switching database when editing Monitoring Schedule tries to load edit page for same id
49609 MP-Web - Thematics Calendar Input should pop above rather than below
48577 MP-Web - Threshold Rule Audit Log is missing audit types for custom calc and fixed list
49511 MP-Web - Translation Grid not appearing - [no change applied, should not occur]
47993 MP-Web - Update Azure AD client  guide to reflect changes in Azure Portal
48307 MP-Web - Upgrade .NET 6 to .NET 8
49345 MP-Web - User Group List doesn't filter out deactivated users
47966 MP-Web - Variable Type Text for Meter Reading (Sequential) is incorrect
41977 MP-Web - View Object Log / Audit Log - Implementation
48669 MP-Web - Visit Record status not showing ad hocs
46043 MP-Web - WinAuth - Does not explain if user does not exist
50944 MP-Web - Wind Rose Advanced Settings are all 0
50266 MP-Web - Wind Rose chart discrepencies with one generated by customer
43115 MP-Web -Replace Manual Data Entry with Angular version
51013 MP-Web - Move calc log icon up a bit
48454 MP-Web MP-Database - When an adhoc visit record is created, the dummy monitoring schedule has no objects
48967 MP-Web MP-Desktop - Add fields for phone, mobile and email to site
48670 MP-Web MP-Desktop - Any Permitted shown in visit status instead of no sample type 
47975 MP-Web MP-Desktop - Breach count in summary for dataset can become incorrect
47719 MP-Web MP-Desktop - Can't tell who last changed a selection
48671 MP-Web Mp-Desktop - changing a visit record sample rebuilds the status tab clearing any adhoc samples
48084 MP-Web MP-Desktop - Header Aliases - load in the same way in both systems
47939 MP-Web MP-Desktop - If email alert has associated selection which is deleted, errors (web) / is hidden (desktop)
50672 MP-Web MP-Desktop - Make sample and lab ref resync optional for customers abusing sample or lab ref via global flags
48208 MP-Web MP-Desktop - Monitoring Schedule in Hierarchy, Sample point with lSampleStatus of NULL causes crash/duplication
48100 MP-Web MP-Desktop - Moving a sample point between sites doesn't update selections
48651 MP-Web MP-Desktop - Object Audit shows Unknown for Container Types and others
48298 MP-Web MP-Desktop - Prevent Visit Export from crashing if site name contains / character or other forbidden characters for excel sheet name
46074 MP-Web MP-Desktop - Scheduled Task - Support adding timestamp to file for Email
50073 MP-Web MP-Desktop - Validation of conditional alias only considers alias name and importer type
50061 MP-Web MP-Desktop MP-Database - Make Test Method 100 characters in tblData