MonitorPro Version 19.2 Release Notes

Release Notes for MonitorPro v19.2


MonitorPro version 19.2 is considered a revision release based on the convention of major.minor.revision. There remain no known significant software defects to be resolved within this version. Each of the items included within the release have undergone testing by EHS Data to the documented standard and the release includes a detailed pre-release test.   

The below details some of the main functional changes and additions to MonitorPro v19.2. Incremental releases from v19 won't be included on our Website but will be rolled out to all hosted clients. The main releases will continue to be available for download and any significant software defects will be resolved and the fix rolled back into these builds.

From v19.1 incremental releases will also contain elements of new functionality as well as improvements and bug fixes. This means hosted clients get access to new features as they are developed. 


Update to make the recording of coordinates more consistent. Previously the coordinates of a sample were updated each time the form was accessed by the user. This could create issues where values were later updated in the office, or away from the actual sampling location.  
Now MP-Field will record the location for a sample the first time data is recorded / inputs are modified within the sample form. The location will then no longer change for that sample. If a visit is uploaded with partial data, and then redownloaded, MP-Field will allow the data for the remaining values to be set once, in the same way as originally.
Drop Downs
It previously wasn't possible to clear the contents of a drop-down list that had already been assigned a value. These can now be cleared by the user. 



Scatter Plots

Inclusion of Scatter Plots as a new form of output. Enables Variable - Variable comparison of data for QA/QC and Field - Lab type assessments. 

For more details please see the full documentation on the knowledge base page Scatter Plot

Split By

Ability to split data by Data Source and Sample Type to make distinct series from data differentiated by these fields. For more details please see the full documentation on the knowledge base page Line Graphs

Axis Titles

Ability to set Axis titles for plots being added or already added to the Dashboard.

Combo Chart

The Combo Chart has been expanded to make it more flexible. Users can now have combinations of multiple Sample Points and multiple Variables presented in a range of configurations. For more details please see the full documentation on the knowledge base page Combo Chart


Further expansion of the calculator in MP-Web to now include management of:


Ability to manage and setup Factors in MP-Web

Calculation Suites

Options to order and manage connected Calculations in a common folder.


All calculations available in MP-Web can now also be manually recalculated. 


In general, the update includes the completion of around 52 discreet product backlog items, bug fixes and performance improvements from v19.1.

45633 MP-Database MP-Desktop - Mon Schedule and Task Schedule updates of dtLastRun shouldn't use Save
43772 MP-Desktop - From a quickview
43648 MP-Desktop - Monitoring Schedules - Add 'folder' tab
46432 MP-Field - Cannot see hamburger menu without rotating phone horizontally
46679 MP-Field - Change location behaviour
46444 MP-Field - Provide an option to clear drop-down values
46580 MP-Field MP-Web - Mapping - Add scale
46108 MP-Web - Calculations - Calculation Suite - Aggregates tab
46109 MP-Web - Calculations - Calculation Suite - Calculation Groups tab
46111 MP-Web - Calculations - Calculation Suite - Delete
46106 MP-Web - Calculations - Calculation Suite - General Calculations tab
46105 MP-Web - Calculations - Calculation Suite - General tab
46107 MP-Web - Calculations - Calculation Suite - Predefined Calculations tab
46110 MP-Web - Calculations - Calculation Suite - Translation Grids tab
42211 MP-Web - Calculations - Constants - Implementation
46076 MP-Web - Calculations - Factor - General tab
46079 MP-Web - Calculations - Factor - Grid
46088 MP-Web - Calculations - Factor - Grid - Import and Export
46077 MP-Web - Calculations - Factor - Locations tab
46075 MP-Web - Calculations - Factors - List
46118 MP-Web - Calculations - Recalculate - Aggregates tab
46116 MP-Web - Calculations - Recalculate - General Calculations tab
46112 MP-Web - Calculations - Recalculate - Initial Page and Date Range tab
46117 MP-Web - Calculations - Recalculate - Predefined Calculations tab
46121 MP-Web - Calculations - Recalculate - Provide access from each calculation details page
46119 MP-Web - Calculations - Recalculate - Translation Grids tab
47817 MP-Web - Change Calculation Suite List page to be expandable list like datasets
47299 MP-Web - Combo Graph - Allow multiple sample points / variables
45834 MP-Web - General Calculation - Calculations tab - Variables sub-tab
45835 MP-Web - General Calculation - Calculations tab inc. Calculator sub-tab
47313 MP-Web - Graphing - Add Scattergram/Scatter plot - Implementation
47296 MP-Web - Line Graphs - Add ability to split line source and sample type
47298 MP-Web - Line Graphs - Add Y-Axis Titles
46139 MP-Web - Monitoring Schedules - Sample Point tab - With inheritance
46518 MP-Web - Scheduled tasks - Prediction of scheduled tasks should respect task end date
44408 MP-Web - Upgrade bootstrap
33484 MP-Web MP-Field - Upgrade Angular
46657 MP-Desktop - Clearing a Preservative doesn't enable save
46660 MP-Desktop - Email Alerts are still generated for deleted contacts (but not sent)
42078 MP-Desktop - file and directory validation issues
45937 MP-Desktop - Pivot Link Excel and 264 ExportXMRControlChart options appears in Scheduled Tasks
46973 MP-Field - Entering value on touch screen then pressing back button fails to record value entered
47669 MP-Scripts - Script ordering issue
46915 MP-Web - Advanced Settings - Email Account Settings showing on form that has no settings saved
46606 MP-Web - Completeness checker calendar dialog shows link to visit record
47556 MP-Web - Compliance Import - Handle files with extra commas/blank rows
46195 MP-Web - Dashboard - Report Widget - Default dropdown issue
47483 MP-Web - Graphing - Drill down to table
46173 MP-Web - Graphing - Short name setting not honoured
47997 MP-Web - Import Summary Widget stored procedure looks at outgoing emails not incoming
45973 MP-Web - Importers -Import a file should not show option for Scheduled Importers