MP-Web Creating a Monitoring Schedule

How to create a Monitoring Schedule in MP-Web

Creating a New Monitoring Schedule

From the Menu select Control Panel/Monitoring Schedules. Click on Monitoring Schedules.

Then Add New Monitoring Schedule.

This will open a window allowing the option to pick an existing Dataset on which to base the Monitoring Schedule or to create a Schedule from blank. Clicking on the ‘Edit’ or ‘New’ buttons will open the ‘Edit Dataset’ window. Setting up a Monitoring Schedule from a Dataset saves the need to manually enter many of the criteria required.

Monitoring Schedule Folders

Monitoring Schedules can be ordered into Folders, for easier navigation and grouping. Click on the Add New Monitoring Schedule Folder and provide a Folder name, then simply select the Monitoring Schedules to include. Repeat this process for all the Folders required.  

Next see the General Setup