MP-Desktop Email Alerts

How to set up Email Alerts in MP-Desktop

Email Alerts are accessed from the Control Panel\Contacts & Alerts\Email Alerts.

From here users can either add a new Alert or edit an existing one.


The general tab requires a name and comments can be added to detail the alert.


From the Events tab users can manage the types of events that will trigger an alert.


It is generally best to make multiple specific alerts and not one single alert based on multiple events. This makes it much easier to later track where alerts have originated from. 


Users can add Contacts for the alerts to be sent to. The drop-down will show those contacts in the system which have email addresses associated with them. Alerts can also be sent to the Contacts associated with specific sites.

The SMS option allows Email Alerts to also trigger an SMS Text message. To do so the mobile phone number needs to be associated with the Contact. Then select the option before adding the Contact to the list. 

A 3rd party SMS provider will need to be configured in System Options\Proactive Settings\Email Alert. There are a number of these providers. In general, they work on the same principle where MonitorPro generates an email that would contain the unique phone number of the Contract and then the Domain name of the provider as below. Users will need to set up their accounts and then use the provider's automation tools to direct the body of the email onto the user via SMS. There is generally a small charge for each SMS the provider sends on the user's behalf. More details of the process are covered in the Alerts to SMS.

Data Streams

Users have the choice of how to filter the Email Alert to certain sources of data. This can be configured to email to all Auto Importers, by checking the tick box. Alternatively, users can choose individual Importers to include or exclude. Regardless, the other default import locations such as via MP-Field can be included or excluded from the specific Email Alert.    


The Advanced tab enables further refinement of the alert based on the contents of a specific Dataset.