MP-Web Import Processor Resolutions

Resolving items in the MP-Web Import Processor


The colour coding as detailed in the Import Processor page highlights to the user those items which need resolution. In most cases (this is a per Importer setting), only data which needs resolution will be held in the Import Processor for at least one reason (although there may be multiple reasons per line of data). 

To resolve any issues click on the row of data which requires attention. The below dialogue will then open. 


Sample Point Resolution

If a Sample Point is imported that does not match an object in MonitorPro it can be resolved. The Site/Data Type can also be updated if the Sample Point exists in a different location to which it was imported. 

Use the drop-down lists to select the correct Objects. Once complete click Save to apply.
If you would like to make an alias for this resolution and have MonitorPro make this resolution automatically on the next import tick the Create Alias box before clicking on Resolve.
If the Sample Point or Site/Data Type does not exist they can be created from here also.

Variable Resolution

If a Variable is imported that does not match an object in MonitorPro it can be resolved.

Use the drop-down lists to select the correct Object. Once complete click Resolve to apply.
If you would like to make an alias for this resolution and have MonitorPro make this resolution automatically on the next import tick the Create Alias box before clicking on Resolve.
If the variable does not exist it can be created from here as well.

Resolution Management

Users have the option when making resolutions on the scope these will take. By default, resolutions will apply to all the instances in the file. To broaden or narrow the scope change the resolution on the Resolution Management tab. 

Physical Limits

If a value is above a Physical Max or below a Physical Min the data will be highlighted and it is not possible to import it. To resolve a value that is incorrect click on the cell to open up the following dialog box. The value can be corrected if known.

If the value is correct but the Physical Limit constraint is wrong this will need amending in the Variable properties.


Breaching a compliance limit in itself does not stop data from being imported directly. However, if data is held in the Import Processor or when data is resolved, any Compliance applicable to the data will be indicated on the Compliance Levels tab. 


Once the resolutions have been made the file can be accepted. Users can do this at any point and any now-resolved data will be imported.  

File Download

The data display shown in the Import Processor may be slightly amended from that which was imported (for example if it was imported as a Grid, or where aliasing has been applied). If users want to check the original file format they can do so by downloading the file. 


Rechecking the file will apply any amendments made to the system since the file was imported. For example, if users had subsequently made additional Objects outside of the Import Processor and then want those resolutions to apply.