MP-Web Role Management

How to manage Roles in MP-Web


Roles manage user permissions and control what users can do within MonitorPro. There are four types which can be allocated to users.

  • Admin – Has access to all pages in the application
  • Manager - Cannot access the Administration page but can access the Control Panel
  • Supervisor - Cannot access the Administration page but can access the Control Panel but only in a Read-Only capacity
  • Standard User – Cannot access the Administration or Control Panel pages
  • Read-Only User – Cannot access any of the Administration/Control Panel pages and cannot use the Data Entry tab or edit data

Roles can be allocated to Users when the User is created and is detailed in the User creation

The Roles page from Administration allows for an overview of what users are allocated which Role. 


For Admin users some options are not applicable as essentially they have unrestricted access to the application and further allocation is not required. 

User tab

Click on one of the Roles to view the Users allocated to this Role. 

Database tab

This tab can be used to allocate access to particular databases (in multi-database systems). Database access can be set at the User Group and User levels also. 

Object Access

This tab can be used to allocate access to particular database objects. Object Access can be set at the User Group and User levels also, which is more expansive. To allocate the Object first choose the Object Type then select the individual Objects to allocate.  


This method of access via the Roles is the most granular. Users need to decide how granular access needs to be controlled and choose the option most suitable to them.