MP-Web Data Entry

MP-Web Data entry overview

Manual Data Entry

Manual Data Entry can be accessed from the main Data Entry toolbar or direct from a Dataset. If accessed from the toolbar, on selecting the Manual Data Entry icon the user will be prompted to choose a Dataset they wish to use for the entry. From here the process is the same as when accessed from a Dataset. Full details of this are included in the Manual Data Entry Tab section of the User Manual.

Import a File

Ability to upload data and non-data files (to be embedded) directly from MP-Web.

Importer Log

Lists all imports entered into the database.

Import Processor

Access to view and resolve all uncommitted records. What can be accessed from MP-Web is dependent on what Importer is being used. If the Desktop Importer is being used then resolutions need to be made via MP-Desktop. If your system is using the File Importer then files can be resolved from MP-Web or MP-Desktop.

Email Importer

Provides access to a list of emails that have been sent in for import and access to recheck and view the status of attachments.

Other articles in this section 

MP-Web File Imports
MP-Web Import Log
MP-Web Import Processor
MP-Web Import Processor Resolutions