MP-Web Output - Graphical Tab

MP-Web Graphical Tab

The Graphical Tab allows users to create graphs quickly and easily. Several graph types can be plotted: Line, Scatter, Cross Section, Seasonal, Bar, Combo, Pie, and Wind Rose. Clicking any graphing icons will reveal further controls to help produce the desired output.

General Options

Decimal Places

Data will typically be displayed to the number of decimal places in the base data (taken from the 'Text Value'). This means data will typically display to the level of accuracy as intended. The only variation to this is in graphing, which includes levels of aggregation/summarisation. This is the case with summarisation of the line graphs and averaging in bar/combo charts. Here, MonitorPro will use the default Windows setting (typically 2dp) or the decimal place properties of the individual Variable(s). For data that is usually above 2dp, users should ensure the number of decimal places for these Variables is set to ensure the correct displaying of the data (otherwise, it will default to 2dp). This can be done from the properties of each Variable under Object Management. 

Series Colour

The series colour is automatic unless otherwise set in the properties of the relevant Variables. When users would like the same Variable(s) to maintain the same series colour each time they are plotted, users first need to apply an appropriate colour to those Variables. This is set under the properties of each Variable under Object Management. 

Long Name Short Name

The use of the Long or Short Names of Variables and Sample Points in the Graphing can be set under Administration. 

Graphing Controls

There are a number of general controls in the top right of each plot. The ones present do vary from plot type to plot type, but the basic functions are the same for all types.


Users can draw boxes within the confines of a plot to zoom into that area. When zoomed in, a magnifying glass icon with a negative will appear to reset the zoom back to normal. 


The slider works similarly to the zoom, allowing the X-axis scale to be modified. 

Titles, Annotation and Axis

The title, labels and annotations can be updated from the pencil icon, along with options to invert and use a log axis. 

Much of the Graphing has supported showing Compliance Limits for some time. As the Graphing options have expanded, particularly with options to summarise data, not all compliance configured in the system will be applicable in all scenarios (a spot compliance limit wouldn't apply directly to a monthly average). The system, therefore, now supports more freeform and flexible annotations for users to include in their plots. 


The image icon enables the plot to be exported as a PNG file. This can be used to share the output and include it in reports. The resolution of the image will depend on the browser and browser zoom. The following are examples of the same plot at different resolutions and zoom. 

The image was taken using the native resolution (1920x1200) and at 100% of the browser zoom. 

Zooming in using the browser's built-in zoom (in this example, 150%) and then exporting will maintain the same ratio for the image.

The below is at 100% of the browser's zoom but uses the inbuilt zoom to trim the plot to 6 months. The same is true when using the Slider.  

Other articles in this section

MP-Web Output - Line Graphs

MP-Web Output - Line Graphs Options

MP-Web Output - Bar Charts

MP-Web Output - Bar Chart Timeseries

MP-Web Output - Combo Charts

MP-Web Output - Pie Chart

MP-Web Output - Wind Rose

MP-Web Output Seasonal

MP-Web Output Cross Section